X Have an idea for a story? M opinions@theotherpress.ca Ox Vancouver's nightlife 1s trash > When the city itself is the biggest buzzkill of them all Katie Czenczek Staff Writer f you've been living in Vancouver, you've probably noticed that there is no such thing as a nightlife in this city. Call it hyperbole, call it ridiculous, call it the truth. There’s a reason Vancouver is nicknamed ‘No Fun City’ (there’s even a documentary about this, check it out) and it’s not because we're lacking in bouncy castles. Rather, it’s our sad excuse for what passes as a fun night out. As the old proverb goes, “he who parties in Vancouver is home by midnight.” Location is everything for good venues, bars, and restaurants, and the locations for all of Vancouver's businesses have been allocated onto a single street: Granville Street. I’m not even going to get into nightlife outside of this district because it’s too sad to even discuss. This wouldn't be a problem if Granville Street was right next toa university district. With that being said—seeing as most students are poor and living in the suburbs with no college campuses in sight—it makes it very difficult to get to and from clubs, bars, and venues. This means that people must either take ridiculously expensive cab rides back to the suburbs or leave via transit just as everything’s actually getting started. Moreover, the only food places open after midnight is Megabite Pizza or McDonald’s, and I shouldn't have to tell you why that’s such a travesty. Compare that to Japan, where restaurants stay open until the sun rises, and you'll realize the difference. With most halfway-decent places staying open until midnight at the latest, there we find our first problem with Vancouver's nightlife. Venues that once featured Vancouver’s music scene have since shut down or were forced underground due to strange laws surrounding which places can have dancefloors or live entertainment and which can't. This caused many venues that fostered Vancouver’s music scene in the gos to disappear altogether. With there not being many decent buildings for up-and-coming musicians to play in, Vancouverites have lacked affordable entertainment as a consequence. Granted, with the semi-recent change allowing for all businesses to be able to apply for a liquor licence starting last year, things should be gearing up to change. Prior to that legislation, the Rio was one of the few exceptions to the rule, (¥ Sure, corporations are convenient, but at what cost? (¥ What gets your goat? All-female movie remakes (¥ Outbreaks of deadly, preventable diseases in Vancouver can and should be avoided And more! being one of the few theatres around Vancouver that could legally sell booze. In other words, if clubbing isn’t your thing but you still wanted to be able to drink publicly, it’s difficult to do so without going to a restaurant. Need I repeat the fact that most restaurants arent open very late around here? The final complaint I have about Vancouver's nightlife is the lack of variety in music at the major clubs. Every. Single. Club. Around. Here. Play: the same damn music. If I have to hear another shitty trap beat that every single Vancouver DJ seems to rely on, I will lose it. Maybe we don't have the population to keep that many different in music—and not just for ’gos night. Drinks are overpriced, food is shite, s and it is nearly impossible to find a club that changes it up in terms of song selection. Vancouver nightlife is abysmal, but I guess that’s what happens in a city where everything is overpriced for both business owners and customers alike. clubs open, but I would like some variety Big problems for little businesses > Sure, corporations are convenient, but at what cost? Jason GokHo Ing Contributor he presence of small businesses within our current economy seems to be fading at an alarming rate. Year after year, numerous mom- and-pop establishments are forced to shut down thanks to multinational corporations driving out all competition. With an approximately 98 per cent of Canadian businesses having less than 100 employees, as recorded by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, it is essential for small businesses to thrive to keep the economy afloat. Instead, the opposite has occurred. CNN noted that approximately 450,000 new businesses were started in 2014. This data is only a fraction of the 600,000 startups that occurred yearly during the 1970s all the way up until the mid-2000s. The reasoning behind the lack of new entrepreneurs stems from the influence of multinational corporations. According to a video from Bloomberg, Shannon Pettypiece reports that Walmart was able to single-handedly decimate small-town businesses with their prestigious brand name, coupled with their ability to continuously lower prices to suit consumer demand. The result of this takeover has left many rural Americans dependent on Walmart for groceries, furniture, and even medication. The total number of businesses within one town could have gone from dozens to only one within a five-year span. Furthermore, now that Walmart has announced they will be closing 150 of their stores, this leaves the small town of Oriental, North Carolina to cope without a grocery store, hardware store, pharmacy or any of the services that was once provided by Walmart. Additionally, the level of investment that large and small organizations received only seems to be widening due to fears of a volatile stock market. Time Magazine states that venture capitalists (those who decide to give money to help establish businesses) tend to gravitate towards more established brands and are rarely willing to invest in emerging companies. This trend results in less money for relatively unknown businesses while allowing prominent companies to become richer. Even though it may seem convenient to have all your clothes, food, and electronics readily available in a singular location, it is important to understand the repercussions that can occur due to this convenience. With big businesses having the production processes and the resources to outcompete almost any local outlet, the visions one entrepreneur may have to change the world with their business appears increasingly bleak with each passing day. Photo by Analyn Cuarto Illustration by Cara Seccafien