INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/ APRIL 17, 1991 Part-Time Program Review Department of Social Services and Allied Health 1 Unit Review included the seven programs in the Depart- ment of Social Services and Allied Health which permit students to study part-time: e Child & Youth Care Counsellor ¢ Community Social Service Worker ¢ Community Support Worker ¢ Early Childhood Education (Basic) e Early Childhood Education (Post-Basic) ¢ Home Support Worker e Therapeutic Recreation The Home Support Worker and Post-Basic Early Childhood Educa- tion programs are available only a part-time basis; all other programs serve full-time students. The review was conducted at the lowest of the three levels of review, the Status Level. The Com- mittee included a member from each of the programs under review. Two surveys and some in- terviews were conducted to collect Slo Pitch he 1st Annual Douglas College Co-ed Slo Pitch Tournament was played Saturday in Moody Park under less than ideal weather conditions. The staff and faculty team consisted of: Betty Lou Hayes Perry Halabuza Heather Campbell Steve Beaucham Ron Fournier Gert van Niekerk Ann Ryan Gerry Della Mattia Michelle Della Mattia Ray Fournier Wendy Beauchamp Howard Eaton Bill Matthews Laura Fraser Many thanks to those in- dividuals intrepid enough to show up on Saturday, even though we lost the first two games. Let’s start thinking about next year and get in a few practices before the actual tournment. Remember, you can invite friends to play. @ data from stakeholders not repre- sented on the Committee: — survey of part-time students in the Department — survey of employers who serve on program advisory commit- tees — interviews with three managers of College units that provide support services to part-time students. The Committee concluded that the demand for part-time programs is high. Although there are some programs in which stu- dents can attend alternative institu- tions in the Lower Mainland, there are other programs which are uni- que or distinctive in the province. In these latter cases especially, the College has a special responsibility to respond to the needs of part- time students: they should have ac- cess to the same quality of instruction and the same services as full-time students. The Department currently uses a variety of delivery systems to serve part-time students. Al- though the needs of part-time stu- dents are fairly well met in some programs, there are problems in other programs which the College needs to address. Concerns in- clude: — the infrequent offering of some required courses — inadequate advance notice of course offerings where courses are not offered on a regular cycle — lack of integration of learning between courses which may be taken years apart — ensuring adequate class size — difficulties encountered by part- time students in taking time off work for practicums (and the financial implications for stu- dents of doing so). The part-time Community So- cial Service Worker and Home Support Worker programs are continued on page 8 Professional Development Day for College Support Staff Friday, April 26, 0830-1630 Hosted by Emily Carr College of Art & Design Once again, Emily Carr College of Art & Design will be hosting the an- nual Professional Day for college support staff held each year during Secretaries’ Week. The topic of the day is Managing Stress in the Workplace which will include Managing Stress through Development Communication Skills and Stress Reduction through Relaxation Techniques. Also included in the day will be a group luncheon and a short walking tour of Granville Island (hope for good weather!). This workshop is directed primarily toward regular support staff in secretarial or clerical support positions. If you are interested in attending please contact Personnel (local 5440). @