QO.1.8.E, Coordinator of Research and Development Studies Position Description | This is a senior academic administrative position under the supervision of the Director of the Institute. The Coordinator of Research and Development Studies - will be expected to provide leadership to ensure that the objectives of O.1.S.E. are reflected in all research and development programs of the Institute. In | consultation with the Coordinator of Field) Development and Department Chairmen, | the Coordinator will identify research and|development needs and will assist and encourage staff members to undertake studies in response to these needs. Specifically, this will involve: “ identifying research and development priorities for the Institute; - providing leadership in stimulating and facilitating the research and development activities of Institute staff; ee | establishing procedures to allocate funds in support of the research and development activities of Institute staff; {I it = | _ monitoring and evaluating the research and development activities j of O.1. S. E. personnel; - | directing the external funding activities of the Institute, including negotiations with granting agencies (provincial and federal govern- ment departments, private foundations, etc.), administration of . financial matters, and supervision of activities leading to the completion and dissemination of results of externally funded studies; | - administering and supervising the personnel and financial matters | | pertaining directly to the Office of the Coordinator of Research and Development; the Coordinator's central office staff consists of 11 individuals including the Assistant Coordinator; | - | participating with other Institute personnel in the development of programs which help to integrate the field development, research and development, and graduate studies activities of O.I.S.E.; - representing the Director and the Board of Governors where required in external and internal matters concerning the Institute’ 8 research and development programs; | - performing other functions normally associated with central admin- istration in institutions of higher education. | ee ve 5 Le