@ www theotherpress.ca Life&Style Austerity Month: Prelude Penny-pinching and personal planning By Sophie Isbister, Staff Writer emember October? | do, because October was the epitome of decadence. I had three Thanksgiving dinners. Turkey, times two, and ham. It feels like just last week that I ate bowl after bowl of fun-sized Mars bars (it’s okay if they’re fun-sized!) that were supposed to be for trick- or-treaters. I attended harvest-themed dinner parties, Oktoberfest beer bashes, and hockey lock- out ice cream pity parties. And now it’s November, the darkest, rainiest month here on the wet Talk to me Tips for becoming a better conversationalist By Joel MacKenzie, Staff Writer iD» you recognize the power of everyday conversations? They are an easily overlooked necessity of life, and yet even the smallest ones can be enough to instantly connect people or destroy their opinions of each other. Especially in a modern society that reduces the amount of time we spend in face- to-face conversations, these skills aren’t used as often, and thus perhaps less known, but are still as necessary as ever to connect us. Conversing is a complicated subject: how to do it changes coast, and I’m think- ing it’s time for a little austerity. The October hangover has set in, leaving my bank account a little smaller and my waistline a little larger. When I hear the word “austerity,” I think of it in economic terms like “austerity measures:” I think of governments tightening their belts, depression-era grannies rationing eggs and but- ter, and those poor folks in Greece forced to pay luxury taxes on their pools. I don’t usually think of ways the word can apply to my personal budget and lifestyle. But this sad and cold November, I’m thinking of ways to streamline my life like only the government knows how to. By cutting costs between cultures and even situations; it can’t be summed up in a few short points. But a few simple pieces of advice can help people’s skills immensely by at least allowing them to under- stand the finer elements of the structure of con- versations, and at most, help them establish close relationships with ease. The most useful piece of conversing advice that I’ve ever received is to always respond with a statement and end with a question. This comes from the free podcast Manager Tools, from the episode “How to be Effective in Everyday Conversations.” The statement, which can be as simple as “Oh,” or as complex as a brief summary, acknowledges that you have understood and slashing services! November is the best month for it. The only thing November really has going on is Remembrance Day, which seems to fit the theme of sober-saving and life reflection. The 11th month is also home to Buy Nothing Day, the long-running interna- tional campaign to crush consumer culture, and a perfect event to highlight during my month-long project. Austerity, defined as an extreme plainness and simplicity of style or appearance, is now the name of my home economy game. When cutting personal costs and expenses, the easiest place to trim fat is in the food and drink category. The amount of money what the other person said; your question encourages him or her to continue speaking. These simply encourage you to listen to others, but also clearly show them that you are doing so, which encourages the conversation to continue. Listening goes hand in hand with this skill. Listening is simply focusing on what other people are saying while they are saying it. It can’t be done while focusing on replying, something that, while trying to consciously listen, I’ve noticed myself and others do. Listening leads to a relaxed environment, as the listeners drop their egos to respect the speakers, and the speakers feel more heard, and are encouraged to speak. myself and the average college student usually spends on beverages is absurd. The old me wouldn’t think twice about dropping $3.50 on a Vitaminwater, but not anymore! No more coffees out, no more coconut water, smooth- ies, or even a two-dollar tea from Waves. No more Thai takeout on the way home from a long night at the library. And certainly no more impromptu Wednesday beer-and-nacho par- ties at Boston Pizza. I pledge to be as severe and stern as a Dickensian orphanage director. I used to make excuses to go shopping: I needed a new tank top, or I needed a shower orga- nizer. But when | think about my needs, are A skill that closely ties into this one, and is immensely important, is to not interrupt people while they are speaking. At all. Interrupting says nothing more than “My words are more important than listening to you.” It throws off the flow of the conversation, and breaks the harmony between its members. It’s (admittedly) tough to do if you're used to cutting others off. But it shows a great deal of respect to those speaking that—in my experience—they often appreciate and reciprocate. The last tip is more of an internal change rather than an act: depersonalizing the right conversations. Sometimes conversations need not, or should not, be very personal. cheaply manufactured clothing and household goods really essential? Every time I feel like browsing Metrotown in a consumer’s frenzy, my ancient hunter-gatherer instincts propelling me to the far reaches of the mall in search of the exact right floppy hat or black flats, I’ll stop myself and ask: am I being austere? Do I really need this item now, or can it wait until December? During November’s 30 days I'll think of ways I can spend my time without spending my money, and I'll share those ways here with you, dear reader. Please read along as I chronicle my latest personal experi- ment: Austerity Month. Talking about ideas, rather than feelings, keeps the conversation light, and keeps anyone from feeling they have to share anything personal that makes them uncomfortable. In confrontational situations, depersonalizing keeps the focus on the problem, rather than any blame or insult that is not truly related to it. Conversing is a very important skill, but not always easy. Improving it, like all skills, requires knowledge and diligence. With enough, you can make conversations as relaxed, comfortable, and fulfilling as possible. 15