Money for Nothing and Your Chicks for Free K and A Out On The Town A: Well, well, well, here we are again. It's Sunday night and we're way early for the Hope of The States show. Hey K, do know anything about this band? (As Sting plays on, I hope it’s only foreground music and not foreshad- owing of the music to come). K: What I know about this band could fit on one of my fingernails. They're supposed to be something like the Verve, or Radiohead, plus (big plus) they’re all incredibly attractive. A: Ew, the thought of things being written on your fingernail reminds me of Twin Peaks. This place is so sparse, and the one measly smoke machine isn't adding atmosphere. Instead it’s making me think someone dropped their cigarette. I just don't get it. (Pause for Jagermeister and a search for awkward boys). K: As a surprise opening act, (some group called Autolux was supposed to play) Run Chico Run is actually a real- ly great band. They’re not pretending that they're hip and cool just ‘cause they know how to play music. It’s like they're two nerds who just happen to have nice, smooth voices (both of them—how awesome is that?). A: Agreed; Ill drink to the two-man band...or I would if drinks at Richard’s On Richards werent $7 a pop; what the hell, this one’s for Run Chico Run! K: I know, I know. Since when do three Jagers cost $20? And this place is sort of an embarrassment. Richard’s On Richards has this huge, expansive dance floor, and it’s only being used for people to tramp across looking for their friends (or someone to be their friend?). Stop. We are interrupting this rambling for a short news flash. The lead singer of Hope Of The States just made a demand that the bad Sting songs be obliterated. I | OUNEPPPESS And what do they replace it with? The Clash. Thank you Richard's On Richards. Now the Jagers are a happy bonus, not a necessity. A: Yes, thank you...once again, cute lead singer saves the day. Ah, why do I think this crap, and then take the time to write it down? Anyway, here come Hope Of The States and all of a sud- den there are people on the dance floor...poor Run Chico Run. Ah, but I can't help but laugh at their hipster poses. K: Holy fuck, I don’t even care about their hipster poses. I hope I get really depressed soon, or better yet, discover that I’m terminally ill, so I can just lie there staring at the death-white walls with this music playing. I desperately Hope of the States want to have a near death experience so that it makes sense for me to love feeling like my heart’s going to stop. Hope Of The States has left me gasp- ing with only their first song. A: It’s been a long time since I’ve died, but the parade visuals could be my death march. Yet no one in the crowd is moving—are we all trying not to be seen? K: I think the experience can be described in one word—awe. One of the guitar players is using a bow, they have an eerie violin player, and the visuals are coming dangerously close to reminding me of the sex zombie movie I watched today. I would suck the abscess out of any member of the bands teeth (everyone knows English boys have bad teeth—it’s all that tea, they can’t help it). A: Well although I can’t make out a single lyric, the visuals and the music speak to the point that words are no longer necessary. I’m speechless; and I don’t say that lightly, ‘cause I can talk a lot. K: Yeah, that’s very true. Shut up already, it’s my turn. That last screen clip was like The Little Prince meets our very own Red Meat. I haven't fall- en in love with a band in a long time (last week doesn’t count—that was lust). A: There are times when what needs to be said is, by its nature, impossible to put into words, and for all those in between there is music, and art, and there is poetry. Not to sound like a New Age freak but this band maybe not fills, but lives in the gaps where the only chance of greatness lies. Lr Hope of the States K: Yes, yes, yes. This band knows what we need more than the waitress at Bon’s knows that I'll always ask for onion rings instead of hash browns. I cant help but feel that they're disap- pointed in us, though (Hope Of The States, not the onion rings). They think we can't comprehend it, or we just don’t like good music. They just dont understand that it’s in Vancouverites’ nature to stand in eter- nal stillness when we see something that’s so wonderful it makes us blush. (A and K stop writing due to an over- load of Jager and intensity). A: I’m sorry, K, that I couldn’t answer you in the moment, but I was over- whelmed. Overtaken by the music, and the visuals beyond music, and the guy who came up to me and asked if I understood the alphabet. And now much later (and much drunker) on the bus #3 home, all I can think of to say is thank God (if there is a God) that we didn’t go to Mesa Luna to see Tegan and Sara. And all I know is how lucky I feel to have been there tonight to see Hope Of The States. It woke something up in me that I didn’t even know was asleep. And now here we are, and what do we do now that we are awake? K: Hmmm, something to think about. I think if I died in my sleep tonight, it would be OK. SEPHEMDEF 28/A000