RESOURCE FAIR continued Itisa ae experience for ser- vice professionals and student groups to work together in plan- ning and hosting a successful ac- tivity. This is especially true when the activity promotes ser- vices, programs and equipment to assist people with disabilities in making career plans. Gladys Loewen ee City of New Westminster, the Douglas College Amabilis Singers, and the British Columbia Choral Federation are privileged to present in concert the interna- tionally renowned ROYAL ACADEMY CHAMBER CHOIR OF STOCKHOLM under the direction of Eric Ericson. This famous choir and their conductor will be in-residence at Douglas College from August 5-7 and will be performing one concert only on Saturday, August 6, at 8:00 p.m., at Queen’s Avenue United Church in New Westminster. Ticket prices are $8/$5 at the door, through the Douglas Col- lege Box Office, or a Touch of Sweden, 4th Avenue, Vancouver. The Gala Concert will also fea- ture British Columbia Choral Federation’s Choral Challenge ’88 Choir - A chorus of select singers and conductors from across the United States and Canada. Shar- ing the podium with Eric Ericson will be Vancouver's own Jon Washburn, Artistic Director of the Vancouver Chamber Choir. ACTING DEAN Gerry DellaMattia will be leav- ing Douglas College as of July 18, 1988. The selection of an Acting Dean is currently underway but is not expected to be completed for 2 to 3 weeks. Until such time as a replace- ment is selected, Al Atkinson will be Acting Dean. Bill Day The music will consist of Swedish and Canadian Choral Literature and will include both contemporary and traditional selections. Don’t miss this one-time oppor- tunity to hear this world-class choir in concert - the Royal Academy Chamber Choir of Stockholm under the direction of Eric Ericson along with the Choral Challenge ’88 Choir under the direction of Jon Washburn on Saturday, August 6, 8:00 p.m., Queen’s Avenue United Church, New Westminster. Tickets at the door $8/$5 and at A Touch of Sweden on 4th Avenue, Van- couver. For more information contact Diane Loomer, B.C. Choral Federation at 733-9687. ——) — RECENT BOARD APPOINTMENTS During the past month the Col- lege has welcomed two new ap- pointments to the College Board. They are Mrs. Marie Kadatz, of Coquitlam, B.C., and Mr. Ronald Stevenson, of Maple Ridge, B.C. Mrs. Kadatz is a former elemen- tary teacher, and a former student of Douglas College in the Crea- tive Writing Program. Her achievement in that program placed her on the Dean’s List. She is currently completing a Bachelor of General Studies Degree at S.F.U. Mrs. Katdatz is a writer of children’s stories, and an editorial assistant for EVENT, the Douglas College Review Magazine. She has been active as a community volunteer for the Cancer Society. Mr. Stevenson is a post- graduate of the Canadian Army Staff College and the U.S. Army Command & General Staff Col- lege and holds a B.A. degree from UBC. He is a veteran of the Second World War having served in the RCAF from 1943 to 1945, and also served with the Canadian Army from 1948 to 1972. Mr. Stevenson has served in the field of educational administra- tion both with the Vancouver School Board and PVI. Asa com- munity member he is past Presi- dent of the Maple Ridge Elderly Citizens Accommodation Society. A special welcome to them both. Bill Morfey