Instructors Diploma Program continued.... FORMATS Each of the six courses jin the series is offered:in a number of difier. it formets to meke it as convenient as possible for candidates to fit their perticuln: schedules. While candidates are encouraged to complete the course series es quickly as possible most will require two years. However, with the variety of formats availeble it is possible for some candidates to complete the course work within one year. Courses may be teken,in eny sequence, but it is recommended that course ID 101 be selected as the first in the series. EVENINGS Courses ere scheduled in the evenings during the spring, fall and winter of each year. Classes normally run from 1800 to 2100 hours one evening a week for ten weeks. It is possible for people to take more than one course each week. Courses are held on campus at the VCC/Vancouver Vocational Institute, 250 West Pender Street, Vancouver. SUMMER SESSION The requler program is offered each year during the months of July and August on campus at the VCC/Vaencower Vocational Institute, 250 W. Pender Street in Vancouver. Perticipants must arrange their own accommodation. Classes are intensive end require some evening work. ON SITE In addition to regular session, courses are also offered at various locations throughout the Province of B.C. during the Spring, Fall end Winter of each year. These "on-site" programs are not offered at reqular times or locations but may be organized for particular groups on request. Instructors interested in taking courses on-site should contact their supervisor. DISTANCE EDUCATION = a Wee Bat Oss «it The Instructors Diploma program may be taken by correspondence with the exception of ID 102 Part A. The ID 102 Part A course must be taken within a group setting. This may be done by attending an Instructional Skills Workshop at a local college or by attending the ID 102 part A course when delivered on-site or at the VCC/Vancouver Vocational Institute Campus. The correspohdence format will be offered later in 1987, { wu