Previn ce of : Ministry ote) Aen es - Post-Secondary Depart ey _—Brsh Columbia co i MAR eae Se : on _ as ba le = HY t - ae . / = i (™ Mi , fsa] j a E: sae ma = aes Ff, ac z rae ee : = “we Ks = ap | Pie pee: = i M 7 1 , ae a a atria “pOUGLAS cou i De RB crag eee eee ARCHIVES (OR sing at : A 5 “+h ‘7. "Lee es - : Fi = an | ‘ grit May 24, 1985. ‘3 7 — TO: ANI College and Institute Principals ae 0 ay ry tena aie 8 RES s af fing - Progr a an Services bivision 5 oe 7 re | | to announce the sider nent) of Gary Bunny: to the wet Pease yh ih Dalen Director, Academic /Technical Programs. — ee of you ha PA ae Besar z Progen Co met and worked with G Gary in his former duel capacity’ iP ys) = 2s Brogran ordini tor for “Natural R i urce Programs and Shae niite is mem ; shnol oc ra ! mM sure that say 1 bring to his s new posi oe a is ou of “keen judgement and desi| re to assist. Se ae ve : R Recently, Ms. Liza Kallstro Coordinator oe abs ivciiceu ms lett “one AS a la the Ministry “of ‘Education. to ‘¥en the Ministry of Health 7 heal | rs e pol icy planner. The Mini stry of sce tion wilt soon be ‘searching for fae ere candidates t cath, both of he resulting vacant positioned rae He ee § rdinator, Health Program: =e Coordinator, En gineering, _Technolo: [A ee ee A _ Any assistance you can provid le nN making thes e€ career oppor’ uni tie Sy) | eae ore _ known to oor staff eet apsob lates would ‘be en ae af ae aa ; Ne i ff ; a hey Lorne Thompson a ite Se ee a peti a Executive Director ee F rie My es iT Aiea! oie Program Services Division ; eng. ea LT/cs 4 = 7 a aoe | | a