NOTICES Vacation 15 March - 26 March "76 Rick Reynolds - Ken McCoy (Supervisor - New West Campus) will be in charge on Surrey Campus during my absence and will actually take my place on Surrey Campus on the 16, 18, 23, and 25 March, 1976. All requirements, campus problems, etc. will be passed to Ken McCoy via local 250 on Surrey Campus or local 237 on New West Campus. Bob Lisson wil be the back-up for Ken McCoy and may be contacted (local 224 - New West Campus) if Ken McCoy is not available or in an emergency. R.J. Reynolds -FMPLOYMENT “BRITISH COLUMBIA DRAMA ASSOCIATION The B. C. Drama Association invites | applications for the position of Theatre Consultant. Term of employ- ment is from August 15 to June 155 -1977, on a one-year contract basis only. Applicants must have a thorough under- standing. of all theatrical disciplines and community recreational theatre in this province. Communication and -administration skills are important as well as a willingness to travel | extensively throughout B. C. Salary: $1,000 per month plus travel and administration expenses. Applications should be made to: B. C. Drama Association, 315 West Cordova ‘St., Vancouver, no later than April 15, 1976. NOOUGEAS COLLEGE LisraRy ARCHIVES GRADUATION '76 To all students, staff, faculty and administration Graduation, 1976 will be held on May 13, 1976 at-8:00 P.M. at the New Westminster Secondary School. - Jim Anderson FROM: Gerry DellaMattia March 8-12 is Mid-Term Week. Instructors should insure that students are informed of their standing in courses during this period. Students must: withdraw by March 19th. a EYCEY LOCAL BW ANNOUNCEMENT 1s1 RECENT ELECTIONS HELD FOR STEWARDS .., Y US CHRIS BELL 4... PRINT SHOP Tet. 22/ ALTERNATES 11+ PAT KAVALEC .. COUNSELLING TEL: Z YVONNE HANNA 1s ADMINISTRATION TeL. 221 RICHMOND CAMPUS CARI GREEN 1... LIBRARY TeL. 32 ALTERNATE ss. ROBERT TAYLOR .. ADMINISTRATION Tex, 2 COAGRATULATIONS A