November 1, 1993 The Other Press A Critique of TV Cuisine source:The Peak, Simon Fraser University BURNABY (CUP) — Return- ing to school heralds many things, but most crucially, it often means that previously coddled individuals must now attend to their own nutritional requirements. Everyone has their own favorite horror-story to relate, but mine is the one about a guy who ran out of cash at the end of the term and hit culinary bottom with a din- ner of brown rice sauced with grenadine. Surely, life is too short to al- low it to ever come to that. Still, there are bound to be situ- ations where you either have no time, or are simply incapa- ble of boiling water. It is with those unfortunate souls in mind that I now embark ON A QUEST FOR THE ULTI- MATE T.V. DINNER #1. McCain Lite Delite Sea- soned Chicken With Barbecue Sauce. PRICE: $3.88 PACKAGING: Very flashy. Pro- duction values are exceedingly high.The box is so packed with glowing nutritional testimoni- als that I was feeling better about myself before I even left the store. Comes complete with a seven-day “nutritional planner.” If only the rest of my week was as well organized. PLATE PRESENTATION: Even looks like real food. An encour- aging sign, and served on a round plate to boot. Omits those insipid little food com- Py NEW WEST'S # 1 Tonight D.C. PUB NITE!! ) 2 FOR I ) sec All 7 LONG! partments, necessary only for types who still can’t color within the lines. One glaring omission, however: no dessert. This fits solidly into the “life’s too short” category; I don’t care how bad it is for me — some things in life are just too important to miss. PALATABILITY: For a meal ad- vertised as “lite,” I thought the sauce was going to put me into diabetic shock. I imagine this occurrence was planned, to offset the criminal omission of dessert. #2. Savarain Turkey with Veg- etables and Potatoes. PRICE: Fifty bucks ($2.19 for the product, $47.81, including cab fare, to go out for a real dinner). Hey, one of my text- books is on reserve anyway, so I don’t need to buy it. Besides, the experience would have been just too depressing oth- erwise. PACKAGING: Looks like it was unearthed from an early 1950s time capsule. This is a real pos- sibility, given the relative fresh- ness of the meal. PLATE PRESENTATION: Looks like it was prepared by June Cleaver on a bad hair day. PALATABILITY: I took one whiff and decided to eat the box instead. Unfortunately, nutritional info. on this aspect was not provided. Likely bet- ter than the meal, in any event. The restaurant, however, was lovely. #3. Swanson Hungry-Man Salisbury Steak Dinner. PRICE: $4.79 PACKAGING: How can you criticize one of the most ven- erated names in frozen-food lore? You just don’t quibble with in icon. This is a product that’s bought and paid for be- fore you realize what you've gotten yourself into. Selecting it is pure happiness —the re- grets come later. PLATE PRESENTATION: The main feature is those two glo- rious patties, presented in all their beefy splendour, beckon- ing you like two outstretched arms to partake in all their savory delights. One problem: use of that goofy segmented tray, but dessert is included, so all is forgiven. PALATABILITY: Just what is “Salisbury steak,” anyway? I’m sure I'd rather not know. Any- way, I think it was “happy hour” in the abattoir when they put this meal together. The dessert was great, though, and just like the prize in the Cracker Jacks box, that’s all I was really in it for. #4. Kraft Dinner Macaroni and Cheese. PRICE: $0.88 I mean hey, for less then a buck, it’s simply got to be the culinary bargain of the century. PACKAGING: Key value: it can’t melt. This is a huge ad- vantage, as my undefrosted freezer can barely accommo- date a six-pack of beer. One must not lose sense of one’s priorities, after all. PLATE PRESENTATION: O.K., NITE CLUB we nede menn Dig up your bell bottoms ee 2 for 1 Specials “e NIGHT! | "Tae ADMISSION} : aad 'D.C. STUDENTS: | PRESENT THIS COUPON 1} it’s not destined for the bour- geois trough, but count me in for seconds. PALATABILITY: Really, this has to be the perfect food. The added bonus is that the box says it’s an excellent source of protein, so it has to be good for you. Besides, I hear that protein makes you smarter, which, given the present state of my G.PA., wouldn’t be a bad thing. Inthe Heart of Downtown Vancouver * Well, there it is, a veritable treasure trove of nutritional insight; yours to make use of as you will. I will accept no blame for my gaunt-cheeked academic contemporaries seen grovelling about the campus. Just remember, eat hearty now while you still can: the time for dinners of brown rice and grenadine comes after you've left school and entered the job market. ode Wot Bh Sle 9 sir Nel 0 UI We Bb Ba OMMODORE $70 Granville Mall * 681-7838 bully Air Conditioned Spicy ls ..* Latin Beat, Musically blended by our D.J., with the eat and powerful North American rhythms to create the unique dance sound of Spicy Beat WEDNESDAY « November 3 - DOORS 9:30PM ONE NIGHT ONLY! The Return of the | ACHIN' BLUES BALLS BAND Tease esUsee Neem OL BRC a Vel ie) i mea masa SULTS) THURSDAY « NOVEMBER 4 « Doors: 8: 30pm AND PRESENT TOTAL RECALL STARRING NAZARETH o BLUE OYSTER CULT URIAH MEER o WISHBONE ASH FRIDAY « NOVEMBER 5 - DOORS 7 PM, MUSIC 8 PM Ry SKAVOOVEE ? oe eS moO eee tO ROle eee, THE ULTIMATE SKA TRAIN 5 ie SPECIAL BEAT ¢ SELECTOR SKATALITES ¢ THE TOASTERS MONDAY ¢ NOVEMBER 8 - Doors: 8:00pm GiTR & $8 Present Sony Recording Artists WITH SPECIAL GUESTS PRONG WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10 DOORS 8:30 PM eae regs Ls Ne ScniL an Tone MOTKeNnIK Ree E Masters of Hip-Lop- Bop THE SHUFFLE DEMONS WEE specrAL GuEsis RUMPLESTEELSKIN FRIDAY ¢ NOVEMBER 12 - Doors: 8:30pm ities Lemonheads WITH SPECIAL Guests HOLE ann WALT MINK SATURDAY NOVEMBER 13. DOORS 8:30 5h, iad PRESENTS COLUMBIA RECORDING ARTISTS NITH SPECIAL GUESTS UNCLE TUPELO & JUNKHOUSE SoulAsylurs MONDAY * ATTHEDOORANY ! : Featuring 4 of B.C.’s_ | NOVEMBER 15 - DOORS 8:30 PM : oe ree cae iFRIDAY OR SATURDAY AND : alate Hia ARTISTS a Nov. 3 Atwaction BAY NO § OVER CHARGEN El, cic cae er va er WEDNESDAY * NOVEMBER 17- DOORS 8:00 PM __ TICKETS: At all TicketMaster locations as well as Eaton's and Infocentres in major lower mainland malls. et as ba 280- maaan College Place Hotel 740 Carnarvon St. New West. : : Just 2 Minutes From Douglas College