Other Comix DID you AD, ur : SUCCEED? VATICAN BOUCHT |T |S y peer IN CAS § IT TRIED *: meow GOD DOespy- EXIST US/NG THE MEDIUM OF PORK HoPs AND Glue, SON | ee bo Py So) “ay! ris ie Paella Oi Ng ot Wi ac CMAs The graduates who become the managers of the '90s | M D 0 R : and beyond will have the flexibility to manage any change. Even a change of industry or two. 9 Ss saa tetie Mlall + 651-78 W t ‘ on That's why the CMA program places so much stress In the Heart ot PASO Cee WITT e hw me mie Vin Conditioned j = on broad management skills. In fact, it’s the onl APRIL FOOLS DAY CD RELEASE PARTY starring Survive ; ff is o & professional program devoted exclusively to hands-on iu re OF FRUSTRATION the Os training in management accounting. S ees ° The CMA designation starts with a thorough ground- TRADITION ee BOVINE LOVE JELLY Thursday April 7 ~ Doors 8:30pm The Il ing in finance - then goes on to provide an overview of [$¥e)a 3 LE MITEL IE y all aspects of business, and how each contributes to the a0 Son bottom line. That overview is constantly updated, too : at, V a Ob 4 Be mY TEN? iD 4G i MANAGE because the CMA designation carries with it a = = t A LATIN ARNERICAN DANCE PARTY 5 mandatory requirement for continuing professional me peters m the Os. development. KIN, LALAT As a CMA, you'll do more than just manage financial ACI tS B RASIL information. You'll use financial information to manage. (67 116) © ESTA B.C. SAL SAI And that includes managing your own career. SATU oie Fie 5) For more information on your future as a CMA, Ceti) rae Py i st ee mail this coupon now or telephone (604) 687-5891 or 1-800-663-9646 in B.C. Soni [coi & “THE PURSUIT l Please send me a copy of the Professional Program Guide 1992 - 93. | pu ; | OF HAPPINESS | appress teen alee | THURSDAY APRIL 8 ° SOLD OUT FRIDAY APRIL 9 : SOLD OUT | Chye 2. et ae ae The Society of Management | DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND THIRD SHOW ADDED! | Accountants of British Columbia | PROVINCE P.O. Box 11548 SATURDAY APRIL i 6 * DOORS: 8: 00pm END ners Co ee Re 1575 re West Georgia Street | Tickets also available at Track Records ee A | Osta copE Vancouver, B.C. VB 4W7 | ea RESENTS ONE NIGHT ONLY!! BMG RECORDING ARTIST BUDDY GUY f WITH SPECIAL GUESTS SEVENTH STONE WEDNESDAY ¢ APRIL 14 - doors s:o0pm MODERN LANGUAGES EDUCATION OF ‘i weet anit ar THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA YUE ERM NTT Oy reno TAPE Oe aC Oe ee ee eee eee! invites applications for B.Ed. and teacher certification in: FRENCH TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM French Immersion - Francophone Programme « French as a Second Language 12-month B.Ed. and Teacher Certification Program in Modern Languages at the University of British Columbia for students possessing a 4 year B.A. and French major or concentration plus additional teaching subject concentration. And M.A., M.Ed., and Ph.D. programs for F.S.L. Francophone and Immersion studies. Elementary and Secondary level teachers for: French immersion - Francophone Programme - French as a Second Language JAPANESE AND MANDARIN TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM 12-month B.Ed. and Teacher Certification Program in Japanese as a Second Language in Modern Languages at the University of British Columbia for students possessing a 4 year B.A: with Japanese or Mandarin major or concentration plus additional teaching subject concentration. And M.A., M.Ed., and Ph.D. programs in Asia-Pacific Educational Studies. HERITAGE LANGUAGES TEACHERS 12-month B.Ed. and Teacher Certification Program in Heritage Languages in Modern Languages at the University of British Columbia for German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian for students possessing a 4 year B.A. and Heritage Languages major or concentration plus additional teaching subject concentration. And M.A., M.Ed., and Ph.D. programs in Heritage Languages Studies. Director: Dr. Stephen Carey Modern Languages Education Department of Language Education Royal Canadian Legion Hall I249 Kingsway, Vancouver er 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z5 Telephone: (604) 822-6954 Secretary: (604) 822-3890 Fax: (604) 822-3154 this is a clean & sober event