. unknown. The reason - September 10, 1991 future an expansion is deemed the stairwell canconviently be attached. There is a gate which is hich i labeled Ren 5000. South Penthouse Level2 _ TheStudentSociety at times may seem horribly sexually repressed, but they are a worthwhile stop before heading off with your to condoms _ toprotect your parts (Worthy of note: if you have a pair of scissors a dental dam can be made fairly quickly as well from an unlubricated condom). The Vice President External of the Student Society has what should be one of the most coveted offices in the -. entire Student Society Executive. It is separate from the rest of the offices , courtesy ofa plexiglass wall. The pop machine and several photocopiers in this vestibule to the office create the noise that makes the sound dampening necessary. The concrete ST6 1725 ala] 1045 1046 Mechanical Engineering Other Press 1020 1000 = T mae _| 1015 Loading Dock 14 1606 Lecture walls of the V.P. Ex’s office also dampen sound considerably. The’ office is reasonably spacious and the door can be locked, both to the vestibule and to the office. Of all the positions toaspire toonstudentcouncil the best can proably be found in this office. If you don’t use a condom you risk a host of sexually transmitted diseases, and of coursechildren.If you already have children the college’s day care is in room 2814 and while it would be unconscionable to suggest sexinthe proximity of children-when the daycare is closed the pla is intriguing . If you wish to know the hours the daycare is open , it can be found in room 2814. Health Sciences is in room 2600 anda good spot tocheck forinfoonall the nasty things that can happen if you engage in unprotected sex. It is alsonice and close to the dental lab.At press time it was unknown whether dental chairs exist here or whether or not they have been used for extra curri activity. However, more than one intrepi knows of the ce of adjustable beds in the ete s entrance is on level two in room 2100.While there is nothi oe of note on it’s first if you ickethee top Karmna Sulcatdearksolstharharidy computers which will aid you in finding the volumes of whatever publications you The second level of the library contains a soundproof typing room and pore ntl aes private study areas, whichcanbebooked.Ithasbeen confirmed by one O.P. staffer that these study rooms have been used to study intimate anatomy. © ~ Level3 The north side of Level Three houses the better place for sex, arguably a ing artitself. The “warm up “” rooms for choral are of course sound ‘ dampened and each containsa piano. with fantasies Anyone The Fabulous Baker Boys is set. rooms can be booked for time slots. One room does have a with a climate control unit however so best pe sale gm Se . The greenroom hasa reputation forcarnal Sctivity and the dressing room and oe Sex. tobelucky enough tobe gat of ber thas progam ye may have access to the code that will let you into the IMS TV studio. The eshere would provideyou with - some fun home movies. If however you are more of a ee and have therightcodethereis the control booth above. All rooms with code locks also _. deadbolts which can be turned rolling. Alsoonthenorthsideisthepsych lab which is often empty and just waiting for people who need to work out any Freudian baggage they may have. Thesouth side oflevel threeis not moe sexy at all. Mainly sciences. Biology is however located in rooms 3710 and 3712. Of course for those who are “naturalists” there is the co’ on level three on the north side. Lots of exposure. Levelu floor. Accounting, P , the Deans, the Registrar etc. What to think of,to rid yourself of theunwantederection. About theonly sexy thing on the southside of the fourth floor is payroll. Many little Av ing arts- what: the Other Press -ato cubbies and rolling around nude in money has it’s appeal. better, housing only computer labs and business administration.Guaranteed to keep one floppy. The theatre is perhaps the only The northside fares little place on the fourth floor with any potential, but then ing arts. Be careful out again it is for the there. Campts rrid expose 11 Accounting Bayo] Pers’, 4740 pet “4710 Offices 3272 Ai a - Band Rm. | = Choral a ae |S! S| es | soo 3124 c ware 3142 Tech ; Services + IMs 3150 3100 | 3195 | 3196 3347 Social 3412 | 3410 Sclences 1 = Concourse Level 3 i za 6 =] Gl =u ee E Lab Langubge 3910 3825 3602} - ties & Physical 3610 3805 Modern Languages & Math ry R 3900 9903 | 3902 | 3820] 3815 | |e] B 3600 24 ST WG es ee 3720 ano Lami Chemistry Lab ey Biology Lab 2 6 Studio SS 4221 4219 4213 ati r =| ‘Theatre 4140 27) aby | st | 4223 is For] 200 STé| Vestibule Courtyard Performing 43211 theewe 65 j = on 2) blr a2ar_| 4243 | 4245 f ce Business Aden & 4300 4312 | 4310 | 4308 | 4306 fe ar | oft ‘rgeme | exkige MTLttt cl tt | Concourse Under Construction Level 4 22 | Facilities] Human | 4820 4300 | 4840 4 [asto Senior Administration —1#\* a pe Registrar's Office