Go Ahead and Laugh Zheeeeep...Peeeeow! No, it’s not them around the stage. ; it? ee Their musical nemessis is Joseph ear thinkss-e's:15 Synthetic Seserko, the mad _ musician wie Uh...ok. What is that? For one Squats, Oz-like, before two banks of high-tech synthesizers. It is he who by K. & J.B. generates the light love taps and . acoustic K.O.’s which send _ his thing, Synthetic Energy’s the cur- hapless victims tumbling and flying rent production of the Axis Mime Sound can be friendly, playful, Theatre. Synthetic Energy is the wild, viscious, tender, tragic, sleazy, power of sound. And Synthetic triumphant, and just about anything Energy is very, very funny. else you can imagine, and most of What does sound look like? Axis these are used in the show. All are mime asks that question, but we devastatingly funny. never see sound (mais oui). We The best is when they turn from do see ‘‘the. sight of sound - the random synthesized sounds to drawn confrontation between people and out musical sections. Here the real the physical presence of sound’’. emotional power of sound is used to We've all experienced music that devastating effect, as the performers makes us ‘‘get up and dance’’, or dance like puppets on strings, paced want to cry, or pump our fists in the through odd minuets, clockwork air and bang our heads. Sound can _ tangos, cleopatra snake dances, and be pretty powerful stuff. the finest disco maneuvers. The show matches that with a There is more, much more. AI- powerful cast. Kim Selody is won- though the first section is a bit slow derfull as a timid technician. Linda paced, it is more than made up by Carson is everyone’s favorite ob- the rest of the show, which is the noxious little sister up on stage for funniest thing you are likely to see in the first time, and James Keylon is a long time. At one point | was delightfully sleazy as the Lounge- laughing so hard my cheeks ached. Lizard M.C. with silver lapels and And then it got funnier. rubber face. These three talented Synthetic Energy is playing at the pertormers use a mix ot mime, Firehall Theatre through Saturday, acrobatics, and physical comedy to Sept. 14th. For reservations and allow the sound to seemingly throw information, call 689-0296. September 19, 1985 PAGE 11