PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT As a note of explanation regarding the advertising of the position of Personnel Clerk, we would like to point out that the advertise- ment does not mean that Vi Brooks is leaving the College, nor does it have anything to do with Lock Laurie's appointment to the Personnel Department. The fact is that Vi will be going on vacation very shortly and, because of some very personal reasons, she will be on leave of absence following vacation. Upon her return, Vi will be re-employed in another position in Personnel or elsewhere in the College. Needless to say, we are pleased that Vi is taking a leave of absence and not resigning from the College. M. H. soptsl 4 Z EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS each Wednesday morning, usually on Surrey Campus. COMPRISES Bursar, Deans of Instruction and Curriculum, Assistant Bursar. Deals with OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS. AGENDA is submitted by the members; the items are those which require consultation and involvement: TO PLUG IN, submit requests to the appropriate dean or bursar. Do NOT send multiple copies of requests. Do NOT address requests to the Executive Committee. It REFERS policy questions to Principal's Council. ANSWERS are sent as minutes to all directors as well as to anyone appearing. oe .