Th s College Newsletter Ja. = A Dougla October 13, 1981 DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES Music 4; MUSIC AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE Two niWQ nationally known musicians, Perry Foster and-AnneCross, will start off the Douglas College noon hour concert series on October 15. The series, presented by the Douglas: College Music Department is offered at the McBride Site and is open to the public, free of charge. Cross, who presently teaches at Lester Pearson College will play the violin cello, while Foster, currently a member of the Victoria Symphony will accompany on piano. "Our primary interest is to encourage students to listen to music of a profes- sional calibre," says music instructor, Henry Waack. "But we also want to encourage people in the community to come down and enjoy the music as well." All noon hour performances start at 12:30 p.m. and are located in room N405. "Just Brass", a brass quintet will perform on October 29. Just brass is made up of five talented Vancouver musicians who bring a wide range of musical experience to their brass quintet performances. Between them they have played everything from orchestral music to rock and jazz, and their program reflects this versatility. They are equally at home ina serious recital, a concert in the park, or entertaining and educating a group of school children. For jazz lovers, R.J.Q. will be performing on November 12 at Douglas College. R.J.Q. or the Ron Johnston Quartet has Ron Johnston on keyboard, Jack Stafford on woodwinds, George Urson on drums and Torben Oxbot on bass. The final concert of the year will take place November 26 and will feature two pianists, Denise Lew and Julie Poskett. They will perform both solos and duets.