It is official. 1 ‘Idea Fest was suai tne green light by the Doug : ee ast week. ree ‘ate Ay ts a fry dt ene College ‘board vce -chairman Cliff ¥ Mtuenaha-and tae dda ee ior oppatat: lla ee signed the, te ee cae 1 ch eee ern of ae campus at 1:00 A... Thora day, =o ‘if et vi “Aine Sepeember 19, 1985. te: ‘pile ses ann lk eee a eae simile ae Pee A ‘wile 2 Sabet A | - College president Bill Day and college board ch eed ai ola icatibene i SA agreement. was reached, and expressed belief that Idea’ Fest sah tla Deer ce nein 7 i bikes: » ae 1th Ce aif el I ; the community and throughout the province. of ; : : “ty i! a - ; hts “1 a aby Ite 1g =a: i im Sine a > alee + vem ! afi y gh eA pe maples ] "Idea Fest will add to the Expo | '86 program with a popular educational theme,” sas Dal ree some ie ited eae ane overall proj et we a a le Kavita asiieneweee penbewen Si Lge sed a WA Clapp's proposal will wee the massive a iengtoses We ‘Westminster cam ampt pus taneformed into ’ al ’ prototype of 19 £ 1990's orbiting B Earth space station. Reflecting panels will dan tken the main con giving Douglas College the appearance trom inside, of scaled down solar system, x tn addition, 34 teach ng areas wi be converted into "hands on’ technological disp disp! 3 areas, ith exhibitions expected from | a variety of major corporations rey iis fe = lM MS ga oceania ROME ROE ir _ Clapp estim sts te acca of Doulas Clee hea csheueeaet vise per aay uh ee : a : ae between July 1 | and August 31, 1986, eyo ! : a Te role ao ah “as, Visitors, will have. cielensiaipaclaieiia aunt ate fone block ok sero Ae my ih ‘the oe Agee lana Prides or travelling on the Trans C Canada Highway to reach ‘the oe alt ae ; a ca ir to Seti ty? ui a he comp will aria the mock “inh ene eeaR nates toe ds ned by Bia = fan r : f ea na ; k I = tw tt on ta Space ee oe rth 7 ik fi th Pea : man a ' I 5 i on es iene a adie to the a ua cali ae Lhe he a they will feel that SHEE have journeyed through space and. —— Lu svete in an crth-oriing mM. if ‘ space station" aid Clap, TF Supe pl * sl Te Ts Perec es Fah be oa rig Jove i ia Ay uy haat za ae = in Sr eee tua. - a ie es + ee t