REET = ARE OIELI LEIA, - LEIS LIENS ENG = a The College will not be held liable for any damage to vehicles towed away. Relief from a tight parking situation on Campus is generally available at the Canada Games Pool Parking Lot. At the request of the N.W. Recre- ation Centre Management, please use the 6th Avenue entrance only. We have been asked not to park adjacent to the Curling Rink. May we please have your co-operation in the use of the marked parking space only. a sos. -Ken MeCoy DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY, ARCHIVES JOB OPPORTUNITIES RED CROSS - Small Craft Safety Program Co-ordinator: Applications will be Accepted until February 4, 1980. Submit detailed resume with references to: Director, Water Safety Service, Canadian Red Cross Society, 4750 Oak Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6H 2N9. OPEN LEARNING INSTITUTE - Principal and Chief Executive Officer. The closing date for applications is February 15, 1980. Applications and/or enquiries should be directed to: Dr. B.P. Beirne, Chairman, Search Committee, Open Learning Institute, 7671 Alderbridge Way, Richmond, B.C. VGXo LZ9e LETHBRIDGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE - Director, Student Services. Applicants should submit personal resumes outlining education and previous experience by February 25, 1980 to: P.G. Petry, Personnel Department, Lethbridge Community.College, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 1L6. CAMPBELL RIVER ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY HANDICAPPED - meee Skea 11 Counsellors (twol. Detailed resumes with references should be forwarded to the following as soon as possible: Personnel Committee, Association for the Mentally Handicapped, 1153 Greenwood Street, Campbell River, B.C. V9W 3C5. Telephone enquiries can be directed to: Mr. J. A. Norman, Executive Director, Telephone: 287-2433 (business) 287-8060 (residence). A STUDENT PROJECT IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES I would like to establish the practice of publishing short articles (500- 750 words) by students in the weekly newspapers of the College Region. These articles should be on environmental topics of interest or concern to the regional population. Subjects of general interest across the region will, of course, find wider acceptance than those of purely local interest to a particular community. Nevertheless, local topics such as "the need to upgrade the aesthetic appeal of White Rock waterfront," should not be ignored. Instructors, for whom such topics would provide a relevant course assignment, are invited to involve their students in this project. The challange of meeting the requirements of publication will add interest to course assignment, and furthermore readers will benefit from the variety of ideas, commentaries and information made available by this means from the college. Instructors interested in this proposal please contact me at Surrey Campus. ae ets Barry Leach