VANCOUVER CITY ~ COLLEGE:-- B.C.'S second Largest post-secondary institution Requires Professional Staff 1) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT For PERSONNEL THE POSITION The Executive Assistant fot Personnel- has delegated responsibilities for all matters of personnel administration and employee records, for both pro- fessional and classified staff. THE DUTIES Determine recruiting needs and trends; prepare budget estimates necessary to meet all staffing needs; process professional and classified staff applications and appointments; maintain a system of evaluation and promotion of classified employees; provide leadership and participate in the negotia- tion process; supervise the work of the Personnel Assistant. : QUALIFICATIONS An appropriate bachelor's degree, direct experience in modern personnel and negotiation procedures. An understanding of the comprehensive community college ~ would be a definite asset. | REWARDS The salary range: $22,024 to $23,809 in four steps. 2) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT For INFORMATION SERVICES THE POSITION The Executive Assistant for Information Services will have demonstrated competency in working with the major communications media; be capable of providing the creative leadership necessary to manage the total College information services program, including the preparation of a wide range of College publications. QUALIFICATIONS The successful candidate will be a mature person, possessing the necessary skills and capabilities essential to interpreting the College to the community. A minimum of five years of professional experience is required. Experience in the educational process, especially adult education, is desirable. REWARDS The salary range: * $14,791 to $17,637 in five steps. Both appointments carry liberal annual vacation and fringe benefits. Written applications, accompanied by curriculum vitae should be submitted by March 15, 1974 tq: VANCOUVER CITY COLLEGE “ae 1595 W. 10th Avenue é; | Vancouver, B.C. V6J 128 Vancouver City College -- Serving the Community The Principal We oe vw C83 2 Re . ¥