Ro : J eo Leonid Lew i Cermens Toomeildinss’ BOX 33859 POSTAL STATION "D", VANCOUVER. B.C. Dr. George C. Wootton, v ee Principal, Douglas College, P. QO: Box 25035; New Westminster, B. C. Dear Dr. Wootton: Re: The Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation Grants in Support of Higher Education 1974-75 This is to remind you that requests for grants in suppert of academic projects within the University for the year 1974-75 must be submitted to the Secretary of the Projects Committee of The Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation prior to March l, 1974. We would be pleased if you would bring this deadline to the attention of any of your faculty who might be interested in applying. Tt is the purpose of the Foundation to foster cultural acti- vities, higher education, and in special and exceptional circumstances, health and welfare, in British Columbia. Within this range of interest it proposes to stimulate and encouraqe new developments which might not be possible without special assistance. It is not the policy of the Foundation to make grants to cover routine operating expenses or. to support research. Applications are judged on their own merits, but, since the funds for annual distribution are limited, proposals must, to some degree, compete with each other for assistance. Within a University or College, the interest of the Foundation is to assist academic development, rather than to support the special projects of individuals. Proposals should therefore normally be presented by Department Heads or Deans and may he concerned with new or extended educational facilities, experi- mental programs, seminars or conferences, exchandqes of personnel, or other means by which useful development may be encouraded, Requests should not relate to the support of normal activities, nor to required expansions of facilities and services. Application forms may be secured from D. Lukin Johnston, Secretary, Projects Committee, The Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation; P70.) Box 33859), Postal Station "D", Vancouver, British Columbia, V6J 4L6. Yours very truly, / . 1 ! J fede, } frost. os Secretaty, Projects Committee Janury 24, 1974