Liberal Party (led by Justin Trudeau) focus: the Liberal Party’s website, their top priorities include for the middle class, real action to address the climate ronger gun control. In terms of climate action, if re- berals have promised to plant two billion trees, and e of nature, eliminate net emissions by 2050. They onserve 25 percent of Canada’s oceans and eliminate astics by 2021. aters say: ple might cite to not vote for the Liberal party in the action is that Trudeau has already shown he is not fit to vtry since he has already put Canada in debt. According to Sun, Trudeau was the largest accumulator of debt at Many also strongly disagree with his decision to let the uilt even though he promised to make Canada more y: re to begin? His first scandal involved a trip to a private 1eone he said is a “close friend.” According to CBC, his vas Aga Khan, leader of the worlds Ismaili Muslim’s n of the board of the Global Centre for Pluralism which overnment pledged a $15 million dollar grant to back g with using a private jet, this resulted in Trudeau in violation of sections of the Conflict of Interest Act. ok to his recent brownface and blackface photos as t he is hypocritical to his anti-racism platform. Conservative Party (led by Andrew Scheer) aign focus: nservative platform is mostly focused on budgets and Scheer has promised to scrap the Trudeau carbon tax, will lower the cost of everyday essentials such as groceries, d home heating. He also wants to introduce the Universal it, make maternity benefits tax free, add a child fitness dit which will let parents claim up to $1000 for sports es, and add a children’s arts and learning tax credit which ow parents $500 for arts and learning programs. the haters say/controversy: nservative party has been under a lot of scrutiny because er’s stance on gay marriage and abortion. He says he is nally pro-life,” and that he has “made the commitment a leader of this party it is my responsibility to ensure that not re-open this debate.” There is also some controversy heir campaign since they do not have any policy proposals umber of major issues. People’s Party of Canada (led by Maxime Bernier) Campaign focus: Maxime Bernier is founder of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC). Bernier’s party,was founded shortly after his resignation from the Conservative Party in 2018. The PPC website lists their goals: balancing the budget, cutting taxes, eliminating third-world conditions on reserves, ensuring equality and independence for Aboriginals, support for the Trans Canada pipeline, reduce equalization payments to provinces to prevent the halt of provincial growth, and ensuring “that every candidate for immigration undergoes a face-to-face interview and answers a series of specific questions to assess the extent to which they align with Canadian values.” To clarify, the values PPC refers to is explained Bernier’s statement said at a rally in Toronto on July 23: “Our distinct values also include equality between men and women, the equal treatment of all citizens regardless of ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, the rule of law, [and] separation of state and religion.” What the haters say: Many of the PPC’s haters call the party racist and fascist, mostly referring to the party’s ideas on immigration. There have been several protests outside of PPC events, with one recently occurring in Vancouver. According to The Star, protestors held pro-refugee signs that said “no one is illegal.” One does not have to look far to find someone that disdains the PPC—according to iPolitics, Chad Hudson, former PPC candidate for a Nova Scotia riding gave up his position citing the PPC’s “values and the choices its leadership have made.” Also, according to Global News, Singh recently told Bernier that he “doesn’t think [Bernier] should have a platform.” Controversy: The PPC has certainly aroused a lot of controversy. Two notable controversies are his e harsh criticism of climate-change activist Greta Thunberg and the party’s use of images of Japanese internment camps in advertising their campaign. On the topic of Thunberg, Bernier tweeted that she is “clearly mentally unstable. Not only autistic, but obsessive-compulsive, [...] she lives in a constant state of fear." After a lot of backlash, Bernier responded with an apologist tweet stating “These groups use this young woman as a pawn and asa shield to prevent any criticism of the message. That's the real scandal. I should have expressed this argument without referring directly to her personal situation.” When campaigning their plan to repeal the Multiculturalism Act, the PPC used a photo of Japanese Canadians getting on a train at an internment camp. Many have condemned the use of the photo, including left-leaning activist George Takei, yet the PPC has still not issued an apology according to the Georgia Straight. The PPC has removed the image from their video, logically implying that they are aware of the controversy, yet they still have not made a statement on it.