October 1, 2003 Right Hook C4 J.J. McCullough OP Columnist In my opinion, Adrienne Clarkson personifies much of what is wrong with Canada today. For most of her adult career Adrienne Clarkson has been a broadcast- er, churning out boring interviews on Canada’s state- owned CBC. Her shows were never popular, but thanks to CBC’s total rejection of the free-market sys- tem, Ms. Clarkson was able to hang around for years, interviewing countless Canadian nobodies. Somewhere along the line this made her a “proud Canadian institution,” worthy of a cushy government job. In 1999 Prime Minister Chretien showed off his “multicultural” spirit, and appointed Adrienne as Canada’s first non-white governor-general. As you may remember from high school social studies, the role of Governor General is to represent Canada’s for- eign Queen by reading pre-prepared speeches and wearing stupid uniforms. It is an expensive and out- dated position that serves no purpose. In other words, the perfect office for someone like Adrienne Clarkson. Adrienne Clarkson represents the epiphany of Canadian intellectual snobbery. Like most broadcast- ers on the CBC, Adrienne never had to cater to the whim of public interest, and was instead allowed to single-handedly decide what was worthy viewing for us, the great uncultured and unwashed masses. As the old joke used to go, she was Adrienne Clarkson, and youre not, so you may as well learn to appreciate what she has to offer. For years she shacked up with fellow left-wing “intellectual” author John Rouston Saul before being forced to marry him in a hastily organized ceremony prior to assuming the Governor Generalship. Adrienne was “above” marriage. That was so bour- geois. Rouston Saul, for his part is also a “proud Canadian institution” and has written many extreme- ly relevant books, explaining why George Bush is an idiot, and other equally profound conclusions reached from his garbled “philosophical” dribble. The happy pair now see themselves as Canada’s royal couple. We should be so honoured to have them! “It’s a two for one,” gushed John Aimers, Canada’s Monarchist League chairman, upon hearing of the appointment. Adrienne Clarkson is the typical Canadian celebri- ty. No one likes her, no one wants her, and yet since the government has decided she is important, we have no choice but to put up and shut up. Perish the thought that Canadians should ever be able to elect their own head of state, or watch shows about Canada that are not directly funded by the government. The other day, when it was proposed that perhaps the Governor General should justify her vast personal accounts to Canada’s elected parliament, the un-elect- ed Adrienne scoffed, “I am above politics.” And of course she is. For a supposedly equal society like Canada, we still have no problem with manufacturing our own class of nobility through the Governor General. She gets to parade around in her ballgowns, sitting on thrones, and wearing shiny medals. She gets to expand her “court” through the Order of Canada, our nation’s preeminent award for tireless preservation of the status quo. She gets to dine with the Queen, and countless other Heads of State, and entertain whoever she pleases in her enormous taxpayer funded mansion. And now Adrienne Clarkson has decided that she, along with sixty of her closest intellectual snob friends, need to visit Finland and Iceland. This trip will cost the taxpayers over a million dollars. Her jus- tification? It will “improve Canada’s Northern Identity.” Here’s a newsflash for Her Excellency, there is no Canadian “Northern Identity.” As all those beer commercials never fail to remind us, Canada is a mod- ern, urbanized nation, not some backwater ice cube where we all ride dogsleds to work. We are a Western, North American nation that is virtually identical to the United States of America. The average Canadian has far more in common with a farmer from Montana than a whale-hunter from Reykjavik. Of course, this reality is uncomfortable for left-wing Canadian intellectuals like Ms. Clarkson and her hus- band. These types prefer to imagine that Canada is some wonderfully distinct, culturally rich nation, rather than simply a sponge-like proxy state of the US. These Canadian “nationalists” voyage around the world, constantly mentioning that they're from Canada, as if the rest of the world cares. Well, the rest of the world doesn’t. We're not Europeans, we're not Arabs, we're not Africans, and we're not Asians. We're Adrienne Clarkson represents the epiphany of Canadian intellectual snobbery Opinions ¢ the other press © Governor General reaffirms Canadian myths North Americans, and we're generally thought of as just as rude, crude, and noisy as any American, despite Adrienne Clarkson’s constant campaign to convince us otherwise. Canadians need to understand our his- toric, cultural, and security ties to the United States, and accept the fact that Canada’s future as a nation will always be heavily dependent on the actions of our countrys only neighbor. At a_ time Canadian/US relations lie in tatters thanks to a Prime Minister who has sold out Canada’s moral values to the interests of the so-called “international communi- ty,” our diplomatic efforts must be concentrated on improving our shared North American identity. This is the only true identity Canada has. We are not part of a make-believe “Empire” or “Commonwealth,” nor are we members of some socialist European anti-US league, or part of a collective “Northern Identity” with a few glacier countries. Left-wing politicians want Canada to be everything except what it actually is, a North American nation allied with the US. No, instead the Governor General when insists we are some- thing different, and a million dollars is being granted to fund this fantasy. It all amounts to the cur- rent state of Canada. No one knows what this country repre- sents anymore, so we are instead expected to rely on a leftist cultural “vanguard,” appointed by the Liberal Party to tell us. They lecture us on “what it means to be Canadian” and spend billions of our dollars to fund artwork, poetry, television shows, and media stunts that promote their own fantasy world vision of a non-existent sovereign and “culturally dis- tinct” Canada. As far as I’m concerned, Adrienne and her vast array of tag-alongs can stay in Iceland. We sure don’t need them here. eee es . —_ Cit ee al http://www.otherpress.ca Ce Cartoon by J.J. McCullough Page 9