DOUCLAS COLLEGE | Mad Hatter APCuUNsreo ' Vil ] a ce aut adwinistration within the college or institut ov external: deaning with the community tie institution serves. Community contacts may iInelude other post-seec Anaaey institutions, high schools, Ami soctal and goveribnent agencies. c) institutional Development involves identifying the need” for programs and services. This can tuclude impletenting the articulation ani development ot proqrcams, policies, and procedures within the institute of college, or within the larger oducationat system. Tt may also involve serviney on commit baes and doing inst trewtional counselling research rcelating to student needs. a) Protessioual Development involves Keeping up-to-date with trends and developments in the Field of post-secondary counselling. Tt can imclude such activities as: administrative/ departiwental business; developing new services, courses, programs; comlucting or attending staft in-surviee activities; supervising counsel lors- in-training; monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of counselling services; reviewing and affirnwing ethical and professional etd a belonging to professional associahktons; and attending conferences, workshops, aml seminars Tit. Types of Counselling Interventions The types of counselling are: Av) situational I>) remedial c) preventative qd) Qevelopmental . a) situational interventions involve providing counselling or other assistance to individuals experiencing a severe, immediate emergency-like situation such as course failure or personal lnjury. b) Kemedial Counselling involves helping inlividuals to learn more effective ways of managing their lives. Examples of this type of assistance are learning time wanagement or coping with test anxiety. c} Preventative Counselling focuses on helping individuals to develop positive skills for dealing with change by anticipating and preparing for chanye. ixamples of this proactive approach include providing orientation programs and anployient-seexing skills cuurses. Page ae