-MAD HATTER PAGE 4 Ja. douglas college; °°¢°/4s coutece p Inter Office Memo}! ARCHIVES Date: _18 March 1981 Members of ABE Discipline--Douglas College, Bill Day, TO: Douglas College II Management Committee From: Jim Doerr R Assessment of ABE Programs/Location within Douglas College e: Attached is a copy of the Terms of Reference for the Review Panel established to provide recommendations to the Management Committee of Douglas College. You will note that the Review Panel is the recommending body to the College President through the Management Committee. The Review Panel will be composed of two Deans, Gerry DellaMattia and myself. We have asked Shell Harvey, Ministry Co-Ordinator to work with us and he has accepted our invitation to sit on the panel. To ensure that all interested members of the college community have a chance to be heard, the Review Panel has adopted the following process and time lines: I. April 8: Open Meeting--all interested members of the internal college RAGO: we community are invited to present opinions/recommendations to yes P the Review Panel. Please note members of the Panel have re- 7200 pm viewed previous written recommendations on the location of ABE programs and method of selection of the administrative head. II. April 22: Scheduled Presentations--individuals or small groups from 1:00 pm the college community are invited to schedule presentations to to the Review Panel. 8:00 pm TIL. April 27 - May 8: Preparation of Review Panel Recommendations IV. May 11--Distribution of Review Panel Recommendations to College Community. V. May 11 - May 22--Receipt of further written comments for inclusion with Review Panel Recommendations. V1. Week of June 1--Forwarding of Review Panel Recommendations and written comments to Douglas College Management Committee. VII. Week of June 7--Decision by College President. Comments or suggestions on how this consultation process can be strengthened would be welcome prior to April 1. Please contact Jim Doerr at Agnes Street Centre (525-9211). JHD:1s