ne AS COLLEGE LIBRARY NGRIVES U.N.B. KENYA PROJECT The following appeared in the International Office Newsletter published by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges: U.N.B. KENYA PROJECT. Division of vocational education teacher education (Kenya Project). Applications are being accepted for the following positions at the Kenya Technical Teachers College based in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa. Contracts are for a period of two years duration commencing August 1, 1980. Salary competitive and determined by qualifications. Overseas allowance, subsidized housing and other fringe benefits as provided by the Canadian International Development Agency. Business education: accounting, general business methods, Pitman specialist. Preferred qualifications: degree in business education, experience in teacher education, 5 years experience. Technical/vocational area: electricity construction, automotives (2 required) plumber and carpentry, construction plumbing. Preferred qualifications: journeyman's papers, industrial ex- perience, preference will be given to those with a a teaching degree. Letters of application, including detailed curriculum vitae, photocopies of diplomas, etc. and two recent references to be sent to: Dr. D. R. LeBlanc Project Co-ordinator Ro Tirec, Project Division of Vocational Education University of New Brunswick P.O. Box 4400 Fredricton, New Brunswick E3B 5A3 ...--Reg Pridham SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM The Ministry of Labour is once again sponsoring their Summer Youth Employment Program for Summer 1980. Faculty, Staff, Students and/or Administrative Personnel who are interested in applying for project funding are invited to apply. If you have a project in mind that you would like to see funded, you should apply before the deadline of March 4, 1980. Applications and further information may be obtained from the Student Placement Office in New West at Loc. 269 Remember: Applications must be received by the Student Placement Clerk no later than noon, Tuesday, March 4, 1980. .ee.eLOrraine Jones