way March 22, 1995 The Other Press 11 classifieds for sale... MOVING SALE - loveseat/hideabed, Ikea $350 OBO * bed, 2mths old, mattress, frame & headboard $400 OBO * word processor/printer, Sony, very functional. great for student papers, older model * desk, chair, lamp $75 _ OBO * Ikea wall unit & bookcase $175 OBO call 522-2084 1988 FORD ESCORT station wagon (red) for sale. Not running right now but can be fixed or good for parts $150 firm. call 857-1200 #5142 SKIS FOR SALE...Rossingnol 195cm 737’s with bindings & poles $175 OBO, Varnet sunglasses 4006 $50 OBO, GE universal remote control $20 never used Jason 526-7615 “HARD WORKING individuals looking for a career in financial services are needed. No exp. req. Free training provided.” Ask for Danielle pager: 661- 9046 BEST CAREER CHOICES for new age students!!! Have you ever wondered if you are making a good career choice suitable to your innermost desires? Based on natural talent analysis, a horoscope can reveal your true mission in your lifetime. Let me reveal the ancient knowledge to you so you too may prosper with contentment in that which you are building upon. Call Malonie at 461-9830 for a free introduction. Go on, call,what have you got to lose’? INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE EXCHANGE Club. A club devoted to learning new languages and cultures. Executive election being held Tues. Dec. 6. Regular meetings 4 p.m. Rm 2804. Editor of Newsletter Shaun Lee, pager # 650-6734. COME AND JOIN US at Lady Dyna- fit, New West women’s only fitness club. WOMEN’S ONLY meetings held every Thursday and Sunday for the woman who “wants it all.” Tired of being pushed around? Do you want to take out your aggression on someone other then the one’s that you love? then phone 872- 4949 for more information! COMMAPHOBIA? Copy edit your term paper to a better mark. $10.00/ 1000 words but negotiable. Pick-up, delivery, and typing available. Leave message for Fred DeRosa: 526 - 8761 WORD PROCESSING. Resumes, Reports, Essays, Letters Term papers. 589-3787 ask for Pat LPI STUDENTS. Want to be able to pass the LPI Exam? Then call me. I have a BA Degree from UBC, and I can help you successfully meet the demands of the LPI marking system. Professional and individual instruction. Please call 438-4463. WORD PROCESSING. Resumes, reports, essays, letters, term papers call Pat 589-3787 music ROCK AND ROLL bands that need space to practice should call Dennis at 522-5680 for really cheap rates on rehearsal space and recording time. ELVIS ELVIS ELVIS revue wants 3 horn players & 3 female harmonies for local gigs and weekend out of town gigs. Paulo Lono-Lono International Productions, phone 6-8pm for interview 525-1336. Also seeking female harmonies for reggae album. messages NEWSPAPER writing is cool! How do I know? I write for the Other Press, and not everyone can say that! Seriously though, expand your opportunities, broaden your horizons and meet some really bizarre people. Writing is not a job, it is an art form, and when taken seriously, it’s just a job. So don’t take it seriously and we won’t either. Call the Other Press at 525-3505 or just come on down and submit to the fun and the frolic that goes on down in room 1020. ENVIRONMENTALLY friendly people are meeting at the entrance to the Clayoquat Sound logging road where it all happened. Be there to share memories or, just to create some. Don’t delay. ph. 588-8448. ' CENSORSHIP is a serious issue, and something that should not be taken lightly, If you would like to join in the fight against censorship. Pleas call just about anybody on the Fraser Valley Library Board, and tell them we said hello. ROGER, my biology book has helped ‘you long enough considering the course is over. Let’s have coffee, even though I don’t drink it. Shannon 465-1130. FREE FOOD!!! Iam a DC student who is interested in starting up a Student Food Bank. I need your input, regarding the feasibility of this venture! Please let me know. 526-7956 Rachel. PUNJABI TEACHER / TUTOR Wanted for English speaking Canadian. Goal, to be conversationally literate and gain some written skills. Call Ang 526- 2668 or reply c/o the Other Press ROOMMATE needed for shared NewWest house. House is located next to 22nd st. skytrain. Come and check it out! $300 a month. Eric, 524-1454. Can’t find that special Yeyntteit-rae Ut: meee perfect match in... fictionals SWM, Hard drug user seeks same w/ similar lack of values and total disregard for life. Into petty thievery, begging and burning friends to support habit. Join me for a life on the edge? Reply box #4, this paper. Single human male seeks another biped for friendship, possible romance. Sex, age, race, religion, height, weight, hair colour, eyes, interests, job, hobby, smoking, drinking, drug _ use, disposition, looks unimportant. MUST be into rubber footwear, Polish neo- impressionist table-napkin batiks, and tie-dyed vegetables. Reply box #560- 79383579405638045491.9, this paper. Recently escaped, unattached, very hardened criminal on the run from the law. Looking for very brief encounters. Must be tender, romantic, nurturing and extremely discrete. Please leave contact information with paper. I’ll contact if still at large. Reply box Y, this paper. Attention Douglas Students!!! Recieve 10% off our already unbeatable value on all food items Discount available everyday on all lunch and dinner entrees , Ro x ayy. ble eor = ant : Wye = ey (ah Se * . oS ~ was 524-9788 After 4 Years, 25 Courses and 974 _ Multiple Choice Questions, The Last Thing You Want Is Another Number. But you may heetl it. You see, it’s the number of the CMA. And in today’s competitive job market, an important number for students considering a career in Management Accounting. The CMA takes your academic qualifications and hones them with managerial and communication skills. Skills you'll need for the fastest growing area of accounting. Forecasts for the 90’s show opportunities are growing in Management Accounting while declining in public accounting and auditing. So put your hard earned skills to work. Call this number or send this coupon to the CMA. SER, The “M” Stands For Management Pte ee 6 ee eee ee Please send me a copy of the CMA Calendar of Courses 1994-95. I I Name: Address: I City: Certified Management Accountants I I : of British Columbia I L . Province: P.O. Box 11548 : DinixliGin adi 1575-650 West Georgia Street ! 1 Vancouver, B.C. V6B 4W7 bc er