PAGE 5 THE OTHER PRESS FEBRUARY 2ND 1983 J Editoral | What are We, Are you willing to recognize the influence your upbringing had on your reaction to this picture? by Nancy Powell While purchasing my text- books in the Douglas College bookstore last weeek, | not- iced that there was a number of ‘soft-core’ pornographic magazines for sale. Upon questioning L. Ver- heyen, head of the bookstore “freedom of choice’ was his reply. ‘‘I don’t set myself out as a judge. If a student wants it, they can buy it.’’ But what of students like myself who find pornography offensive? Is not my freedom being infringed upon bec- ause | am forced to see it? | find it appalling that an institution of alleged ‘higher learning’ would even con- sider selling it in their book- store. Pornography holds men and women in distorted and fictional roles. It object- ifies women into being no- thing more than a_ sub- missive toy for men to play with when they deem it nec- essary. It promotes the acc- eptance of these roles and HAH by Nancy Powell Another Freudian slip in the Other Press. Last issue we printed a small graphic for the ‘‘Direct Action’’ story on filing off the toilet dis- penser nibs, remember? Well, that tiny graphic got us in some trouble. Not that the story was unacceptable, not even the graphic itself, but a little scrap of grafitti, “Note for Gerry’’, that | the acceptance of violence to- wards women. Most import- ant, it trivializes and _ridi- cules the most precious gift that one person can give to another; love. People learn their values through the culture that they are exposed to. By social- izing the view of women as sex-objects, pornography in- creases antagonism and sub- sequent violence between men and women. It breaks down the ability and need to care for each other, which we ,as social animals, need in order to survive. It is a fundamental prin- ciple of Canadian law that the the freedom of an individual may be limited where it im- pedes or infringes on the freedom of another _ indi- vidual, group or community. | feel that pornography violates women‘s freedom to exist comfortably and with- out fear as equal individuals in groups or in the commun- ity. What is it doing in our bookstore? scrawled on the centre stall door. Due to this bit of editorial comment from us to you, the Student Society by-election was cancelled. What a pile of shit! As an organization free from the strings of the Student Soci- ety, we feel it is our right to support any person or organ- isation we deem worthy of our support. by Nancy Powell ’ hey, wow, welcome to yet another issue of the Other Press. My name is Nancy, and I’m the Editorial Co-ord- inator elect of the new, im- proved Other Press. In this wonderful slice of newsprint, | would like to introduce you to the staff and tell you a bit about what we do and why. | think that a lot of people are under the impression that all we do around here is swear and drink and some- times get off our asses and put out a paper. Wrong-o. Today is Sunday, and | have been here for most of the day. It sounds like a sob- story, but | just wanted you to realize that myself and a lot of other people on staff also have the altruistic/mas- ochistic idea that the paper is an important part of our lives. -.We feel this way because we have a responsibility to you, the readers, to present you with a verbal picture of what happens behind your back that directly or indirect- ly affects you. - We take a lot of shit from you. Often | hear in the cafe- teria, ‘Too much swearing”’ Is Tim Shein ignorant of the basic tenets of demo- cracy? He would have his council pass an amendment to the Student Society constitution pass an amendment to the Student Society constitution that would ignore one of the founding concepts of democracy, fair and equal representation of all people. Why was Stewart Woolverton the only dissenting voice on council? This is an amendment that restricts, access to the student government by students. Are the other members so unconcerned? | had always thought that democracy was supposed to prevent abuses such as has occured here. When all students pay the same rate of student it unreasonable to expect fair representation? Is this the first sign of impending fascism at Douglas College? What exactly are the Student Society Exec- utives motives? One has to wonder, when this type of political maneuvering is going on. Since the student government of this college insists on putting this amendment up for approval, there can be only one rational solution. That is to reject the proposed constitution changes. With rejection by the general school population the Student Society (read Tim Shein) will have to bring Douglas College back to the realm of Democracy. or, ‘‘Too many spelling mis- takes’’, and , ‘’Too much anti-nuke crap.’’ Well if you don’t like us, join the paper and change it. Otherwise, tough bananas. We try to organize a situ- ation where students can be- come aware of what is hap- pening around them; to make you aware of how you are being screwed and by whom. As ‘‘agents of social change’’, we feel it our re- sponsibility to ‘‘present a realistic, honest and fair view of people and the struc- tures that surround you.’’ We cannot stress enough the importance of your re- sponses; we need to know what you want to know! Unfortunately we do not have a letter box. Neverthe- less, your words would be most heartily appreciated, — whether engraved on stone tablets, written on _toilet paper (one piece at a time) or painted on canvas. These can . be dumped at the Other Press office, (next to the Stu- dent Society office, between the cafeteria washrooms and the gym doors). Be assured that your communications , will never go unnoticed. Doing Here?? We have a great staff this semester; a few new faces, lots of people from last sem- ester and lan Hunter, who has been around so long he thinks in pyramid style. those back from last semes- ter include Sean Valentini, our photo-man, Caroline Hardon, production co-ordin- ator, Glen Nazaruk, news co- ordinator, Brian Pharez, bus- iness manager, and me. New fixtures in the office include Dave Christian (his fuzzy face bops in every once in awhile), Sean Balderstone (indespensible for copy edit- ing), Vic Cromarty, Editorial Co-ordinator, and Chris Woolverton (Stew’s bro). Apologies to the staff not mentioned but you weren’t here. Others who showed up for production were Margaret Park who typeset some stuff for us, Dan Hilborn who came in to say goodbye (he’s moving to Courtney next week to live with Dad...) and did lots of helping,pluss ex- tra extra thanks to Glen San- ford for knowing exactly when we need him here most. Perry (space puppy) Obidinski also zoomed in for a bit. HK Chess Page tool! Liberal Democracy bites the big plastic yellow donut