Mad Hatter Page 2 r Administrative Review Steering Committee Report The report of the Administrative Review Steering Committee has now been released to the college at large. Copies have been provided to all administrators of the institution, to all members of Management Com- mittee, and one reading copy per Department has been provided, via the Deans. I encourage all person- nel to sign out a copy through their supervisor, and make them- selves familiar with it. Students will find reading copies in the office of the Student Society. The report will be subject to formal review. regarding the recommendations -- hopefully by mid-October. It is a pleasure to commend the committee, and all those involved, for this report. It will help make Douglas College a better in- stitution. Bill Day I will be making my decisions Graduation The Fall Graduation Ceremonies will be held in the Douglas College gymnasium on: Thursday, October 11, 8:00 P.M. 1984 It would be appreciated if as many can attend to congratulate the graduating students. The graduation ceremonies are an important function for Douglas College, both for the college and the students. ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL are invited to a Pot Luck Retirement Party for MAYME FURBER on Thursday, September 27, 1984 at 4:00 P.M. For more details please contact the Office of the Registrar, (Debbie), at local 4609 or 4616. West Graydon Departs As you are no doubt aware, West Graydon, Director of Physical Plant and Site Services, has re- signed from the college in order to assume the position of Director of Construction for Expo '86. He assumed his duties as of Sept- ember 17, 1984. At the September 11 Management Committee meeting, the following motion was passed: THAT Management Committee offer formal congratulations to West Graydon on what seems to be a very challenging appointment. Until such time as his replacement