Nee MAD HATTER PAGE 7 DOUGLAS COLLEce DELINQUENT BORROWERS | site. ARCHIVES STUDENTS Students at DC and KC will not be eligible to receive transcripts or register for courses at their respective institutions if library materials are still outstanding from the period, 1970 to May 1, 1981. EMPLOYEES/NON COLLEGE BORROWERS Employees and Non College Borrwers applying for or renewing a library card will be prevented from doing so if library materials are still outstanding from the period, 1970 to May 1, 1981. To ease the trauma of the "SPLIT" all overdue materials should be returned as soon as possible to their respective libraries. WHO'S GOING WHERE? Kwantlen Librarians Derek Francis, Head College Librarian, Campus Librarian, Richmond Janice Friesen, Circulation, AV Bookings, Systems, Campus Librarian, Surrey Phyllis Liu, Technical Services, Richmond Cathy MacDonald, Public Services, Orientation & Instruction, Collection Development - AV, Surrey George Noble, Public Services, Collection Development, Books, Magazines, Government Documents, (A list of DC Librarians will be forthcoming. ) Richmond