KWANTLEN COLLEGE STAYS KWANTLEN COLLEGE A request to the Douglas College Board which would have officially changed Kwantlen College to Kwantlen Community College was voted down. The majority of the board felt the name Kwantlen College was more suitable and did not "limit" the college. = DOUGLAS COLLEGE ENROLLMENT UP For the first time in three years, Douglas College's student enrollment has taken a large jump upwards - a whopping 11.5 per cent increase. This dramatic increase, according to Douglas College interim president, Reg Pridham, is due largely to the College's ability to respond quickly to the needs expressed by the community it serves. "We have the ability to be able to offer programs which the community has indicated they need," Pridham said. The president named two areas in the college which have met this community demand. "We've been able to continue to attract university transfer students, while at the same time increase the opportunities of our occupational programs throughout the entire college region," Pridham said. The college registered 6509 students this Fall, well over the 5835 registered at the same time last year. "This has been the highest rate of growth in the last three years," Admissions Director, Ken Battersby, told the Douglas College Board Thursday night. "6509 is the largest number of students ever to register..last year our growth was only minimal." The greatest percentage growth in the college was experienced in the Occupational Programs area, which saw 24.61 per cent increase, while University Transfer enrollments were up 3.86 per cent. “We are running near capacity now and I would have to say some of our facilities are overcrowded," Pridham said. A new campus is presently under construction in New Westminster. KWANTLEN PUBLICITY AND LOGO SEARCH An ad hoc committee has been set up to coordinate all publicity concerning the new college, including logo design. A search for a logotype for Kwantlen College has been approved by the College Board along with a $1,000 honorarium for the winner. The rules and regulations for the submissions are presently being printed and will be released on a poster for distribution early next week. ~eektil Ball