VOL. XXII/NO. 15/MARCH 30, 1973 SECTION Teaching. as we all! know, is an honorable profession, and tee~yers are always expected to do their job. But in view of current trends in education, what has the future COMPUTER BRAIN. for in- stant data, answering all those inquiry-inputs HEALTH GUN. a device for stimulsting braintapes as well as cunng all degrees of space-itis APH, to deter- mine students’ interest-spans. time bathroom treks, and ad- just lengths of diversion periods DISPENSER of learning pills. for instant grammar, spelling. and deportment TRAVELGRAPH, celestial maps for those time-travel field trips JETSHOES, for soaring through ‘overpopulated transit-corndors le ee Teacher's . Edition 1 OF 2SECTIONS in store for teachers? You may not always be certain just exactly what your job might be. Keeping this in mind, we now present... THE COMPLEAT UNISEX TEACHER OF THE FUTURE RADAR HELMET, for detect- ing potential student unrest or cooking odors from the cafeteria (instant menu) ASTROSIGN, for maintaining student shuttlecraft on course (and redirecting wan- dering minisubs) STEEL FINGER, for pushing all those subject - retrieval systems buttons ROBOT TUNIC, armored for maintaining logic and hiding human emotions 5 PERSONALITY CONTROL PILLS, for instant “good” ANTIGRAVITY CLOGS, to get those kids high-off-the- handle back down to solid attention ‘ ‘ ae Edwin A Hoey Staff Writers Jacqueline A. Ball, Joyce Senn, Edward J. Zagorsk: Designer Richard Glassman Executwe Editor: James J O Donnell READ MAGAZINE Incorporming Young Amence—Copynght © 1973 Merox Corpo Pm gq. & € Offices: Merox Education Publications, 245 Long Hil Roed. Mudietown, Co: 457 Matenal m the asue may not be reproduced in wang Of in part in any form or format without special permission from the publisher Issued twice & month Gunng the schoo! yee be- ana September 1 and ending on y 15 Classroom subscripnon pce for 10 or more copes sent to one address 85¢ per semester per student $170 for the school year Single subscription tate! on} orders totaling leas than 10 copes $340 per year each payable in advance in Canada classroom subscnption price for 10 gr more copes sent to one address wr postage and hanging per pup! per year Single subscnption rate on orders totaling less than 10 cones $480 + We postage and pene per pupil par year payable in advance Second class postage pad st Col Ono Printed m USA XEROX ® a trademark of XEROX CORPORATION Bend Forme 3878 to Publication and Subscription Offices indicated below “ae i “3S FROX Publication and Subscription Offices: Xeros Education Publications, Education ( Canadian Distributor. Edu Media Lid, 1 A’ a ter. Columbus. Ono 43216 Street, Kitchener, Ontano