NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING FREER EE HEHEHE EEE EEE E HH The DOUGLAS COLLEGE STAFF ASSOCIATION, Local 62 of the B.C. Government Employees' Union will meet Tuesday, 11 February 1975 pOUCLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY 7:30pm to 10:00pm ARCHIVES BCGEU Hall 4925 Canada Way, Burnaby Only members in good standing may attend. If you wish to participate in the affairs of the Union you may do so by filling in the Application for Membership and sending it to the Secretary/Treasurer, Mary Pat Wasmuth, at the Surrey Campus. — a Se eet! f { IF SINCE THE FIRST WERK OF OCTOAKK 1924, You FILKO {re \° Our AN Awraren Tien FORM (SAmeLe Aétow) To item home Ye a MEMA RR OF THE DOoucins COLLEGH STHFE ALSoeMTION Jaceev] N Pd eo You ATTMEHES (1) ove DoLeMe To THA AerdicaTtON ® THEY yo Scheer, oO y YOU Mak 4 MMAR 1 B000 STHNOING Ano MO SUCH ARE WEkLOMmMA To ATTRNO THE MRATINGS city Wace OTHAZS Whe WHH To Bécomag Manbids 4T THs Trimet maT Cee OUT THE ATTACH ID FOG m — CGR THR WiITh THE & (#0v6) POLe mm INITINTION ERK AND SuBmiT Ir TT TO THR Sicanrnay/rainiunsa BY 0c Am (et ufas IN OR OKA TH ATTRNO THE it nfo me KETIN Go, —1L BE HeaiTaAcR Vici mGhR APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP DOUGLAS COLLEGE STAFF ASSOCIATION Desiring to become a member of the above Union, I, the undersigned, hereby make application for membership and authorize such organiza- tion to be my exclusive collective bargaining representative. Mr. F SMG: 3 NAME : ES i aa el a WU teen eS Ee esac s kee se eens Ms. ee ites Ge eis eae wn ess NL ee aera PROV iss a PHONE: «5 5 240 4 Where employed. ...... cece cere e reer crete eereeeeees PRONG: Ges sk ek ase Date of Application EERE Signature of Employee $5 Initiation Fee Paid me 4