PRINTERS INK The following excerpts from ietters which we have received from our paper supplier demonstrates the rapid rise in paper costs since July of 1973. As of yesterday April 23, 1974, the Printing Department has been advised that we can expect further increases of up to 12% by the end of July 1974. ore, July 3, 1973 ieaeerags ss O'Flyna, F. Terms * Met, 30 days a 2 a We are pleased to quote the following: LPe See ' 2,500M Pacific Copy, White, 8sxll - 10M i $2.65 250M Pacific Copy, White, 8k x 14 - 124" 3.39M Auguat 23, 1973 O'Flynn, F. Met 30 deys Due to increased costs passed on to us by the mills we are reluctantly Dear Mr, Rosamond, compelled to pass on the following revised prices: 2,590™ Pacific Copy \hite 8& x 11 - 10M $ 2,78M , : 250M Pacific Copy ihite ‘85 x 14 --12%M 3,55M SS 1 DATE December 5, 1973 SALESMAN O°Flyun, F, TERMS Bet W days Onee again due to increased costs to us by the mills we ere reluctantly compelled to revise prices effective December 1973; 2,500M Pacific Copy White 8& x ll - 10M $ 3.1748 250M Pacific Copy White 8& x 14 - 12) 4.05M eS ae March 26, 1974 To Our Customers: With advances in the cost of pulp, the Canadian Mills are again.,.., The increases are in the order of 7% to 14%, with the average on higher volume lines approximately 10% effective April 8th, or sooner on mill items, Envelopes manufactured from regular envelope grades will not advance at this time but those manufactured from better grade bonds will be upcharged 7% beginning April 15th, Invoices will be surcharged to accommodate inc*ease: "ot'l such tine as can supply a printed price list, » @