Other Press April 8, 1994 Welcome to the Matriarch Monkey House (with apologies to By D.G. Black Kurt Vonnegut) “Complete liberty implies freedom from the tyranny of ab- stractions as well as from the rule of men.” - George Woodcock, 1944 After reading a recent Globe and Mail article about a pseudo-feminist university newspaper, I think the above quote should also include freedom from women who feel jus- tified in cutting off my penis. Iam referring to a campus news- paper called Surface at Queen's Uni- versity in Kingston, Ontario. This newspaper is presently publishing what might either be considered either hyberbole or hate literature. I'd say hate; what else could you call a self-proclaimed white lesbian pub- lication that not only calls for snip- ping off my favourite and most ver- satile appendage, but also ---because of my fair-skin and het- erosexuality--my death? Not so, many of classmates said at a recent in-class discussion about the Surface article. They believe that since we live in a racist society, a Caucasian- Canadian such as myself can not cry racism because I am part of the dominant culture. I always thought that the rapacious beast to the south was the dominant culture. Appar ently not. If the Canadian criminal code does not consider this hate, then Ernst “goes-to-Auschwitz-and-sees- only-an-abandoned-summer- camp” Zundel should be allowed to continue to spout his version of the “truth”. I personally believe that in a truly free and democratic society, freedom of expression should be available to everyone; yes, even the women at Surface who believe they have justification through political- correctness to call for the dismem- berment - and even death - of fair- skinned hetero males. An individual or group should be able to say what they want regardless of whether the majority agree or disagree with their views. As well, if you have a well- prepared and logical argument (most don’t), then you should be able to have a forum for your views, regardless if it is politically-correct or not. If you are able to present an opposing viewpoint to any subject, it makes for a mpre lively and intel- lectually stimulating life, wouldn’t you say? Let’s not have the Govern- ment of Canada decide what we can and can’t say, or read for that mat- ter. Censorship creates its own he- roes. At the moment, the criminal code limits everyone’s freedom to voice views that may be unpopular in our society. One of my classmates raised the point that we do not live in a racist society since racism is supposedly not institutionalized in Canada.That person also mentioned a very clear and important fact: some people are bigots and racists, be they light- skinned or dark-skinned, and that’s the way it is. What that person did not realize was that there are gov- ernment hiring policies that dis- criminate against people because of their sex, skin colour, and even cul- ture. A recent example was a senior government job posting in Ontario where anybody was invited to ap- ply, except if you were delivered by nature with the double curse of be- ing white and male. Let’s not forget about the Federal Government’s af- firmative action programme and its cruasde to right the wrongs of er- roneous hiring practices; the casu- alties are fully-qualified caucasian males that are turned down for gov- ernment positions and end up work- ing as phone order-takers at Purolator Courier. Here’s another injustice due to the colonized mindset of the Federal Government: Guess what percentage of landed immigrants to Canada were caucasian last year? 2%. Shame. Shame. Let’s define a few terms here just so we all know what we are dealing with. According to the Gage Cana- dian dictionary, the following words are defined as: Discrimination - 1. the act of mak- ing or recognizing differences or distinctions. 2. the ability to make fine distinctions. 3. the act of mak- ing a difference in favour of or against. Now, here’s an over-used and often incorrectly applied verb: Racism - 1. the exaggeration of in- herent racial differences. 2. a preju- dice in favour of certain races. 3. a political or social policy based on racism. Whatever the writers and editors’ intentions are at Surface, they fail to realize that there is no such thing as reverse discrimination. There is only discrimation and racism. And a compartmentalized, militant ha- tred that will eat you up. Now, let’s be realistic and sensible about this: For those that have not had their minds colonized by the forces of the fascistic politically-cor- rect, I ask: Do you also see sinister forces at work?Yes, I understand that as a male, I am considered by some women to be a potential rapist. As a white male, I am also considered by some to be a potential racist towards visible minorities. Now then, could Ialso be considered part of the nasty patriarch and the evil white “elites” that rule our land? As a person who considers himself progressive, egali- tarian, young, attached neither to any white elitist movements nor to the top of a power structure - that allows him to discriminate against women, men, lesbians, gays, people of a darker skin colour than his own, the wheel-chair bound or the ches- terfield bound for that matter - I do not feel responsible nor do I harbour any guilt for any atrocities that whites have committed in the past. Specifically, I am a fair-skinned hetero male and I have nothing to apologize for. I refuse to be an apologist and will not kow-tow to any body. I say to those that are so full of hatred at Surface: don’t ... make me your whipping boy. Bureaucratic Bullshit, Pretentious Policies and Asinine Amendments by Dug Hébert Hey, did you hear about the elec- tions for the executive of the Douglas College Student Society? Do you know the election results? Well ... neither do I .. exactly. Somehow you'd think my atten- dance at the April 7 emergency meet- ing would have solved that problem, But you see, one thing about our Student Society is that it is ... elected. I don’t know if you've ever noticed, but a lot of the time elected officials have to avoid saying too much; sometimes they actu- ally do make a lot of noise, but really they say nothing at all. Let’s face it. Ba- sically, all politicians are pompous hair- shirted soothsayers. Their reluctance to express real thoughts arises out of fear of creating negative public opinion. They have to be extra careful while people are vot- ing. As you might have noticed if you have been around the cafeteria in the last little while, Douglas College has been having an election. The results of this election will be felt starting Sep- tember 1* of this year when the newly elected pompous hair-shirted soothsay- ers will take over from the recently van- quished pompous hair-shirted soothsay- ers: f Anyway, back to the emergency meeting. It ran about two hours. On the agenda were three items. (Remember that. Three.) The first Agenda item was a motion to give the outgoing elected body (in layman's terms, the sore los- ers) the power to reverse the decisions of the Chief Returning Officer. (CROw). The CROw, in oversimplified terms, is responible for ensuring that DCSS elec- tions are fair and democratic. This power grab was explained as be- ing necessary because by-laws were bro- ken. When a non-elected student who was present at the meeting brought for- ward the question of which by-law was actually broken, it was treated with the dive-and-avoid tactic familiar to a po- litical debate on CBC. From indirect sources it seems that the bone of contention might have been that a candidate failed to remove their campaign posters from the college by the CROw specified time. A painful bone chard might be that other candidates also had some mate- rial up , but managed to take down at least 95% of their posters. The disquali- fied candidate asked a DC staff member to take down their posters (breaking yet another by-law) because they just didn’t have the time to come down to the col- lege. Of course none of this was ad- dressed directly at the meeting. It had to be coaxed out of members attending the meeting in the hallway, where offi- cial records were not being made. Within the realm of officialdom, the meetings concentrated essentially upon bureaucratic bullshit, pretentious policies and asinine amendments. Two common oxymorons that were flapped around were “Point of Information”, meaning I wanna ask somethin’, and “In Camera”, meaning we wanna be alone and we won't tell you what we are gonna talk about. (Is there a hidden camera? I didn’t see one. Are they making blue movies?) If they want to be alone why don’t they just go to someone's house? There's probably more interesting furniture/ appliances, as well. The still elected representatives re- main in power until the unofficial re- sults of the election are accepted as offi- cial (72 hrs after final election results are tallied) and the Fall semester rolls around, before the recent election be- comes worth a hill of beans. That'll probably be all its worth too; all the stu- dents who won’t be coming back and all the new students who will be join- ing those of us left in September will be completely neglected in their schools democratic process. Not only will the election be stale by the time it is enacted, but it won't even be statistically valid. In a school of approximately 8,000, the gross vote count probably ran somewhere around 200. You people are FUCKING APA- THETIC! The Other Press has a distribution of 5000 copies. Do you know what that means? There are 4800 people reading this who didn’t vote. (Yeah right, ev- erybody left the minute I screamed pro- fanity) No wonder there’s no rush to perform the changing of the hair-shirt. Nobody seems to care anyway. Maybe it doesn’t really matter to you who repre- sents you to the administration. Maybe next time I'll enter my dog’s name on the ballot and ask for a smiley face drawing so you can’t see that you're voting for a non-human lifeform and laugh really hard when he has the power to appropriate you Student Society fees to pay for a truckload of Milk-Bone and squeaky toys. He can lounge around the College interrupted occasionally to bark at stu- dents who want to appeal grades, or ask for extensions in fee payments, or heck, even complain about sexual harassment. Would you feel comfortable talking about your sex life with a dog? {Wondering about the 2"4 and 3" items on the agenda? Sorry, we ran out of time.}