Briefs ?® CSB rate increases Good news for employees who purchased Canada Savings Bonds through payroll deduction. The interest rate you earn on the bonds has been raised from 4.25% to 5.5% for three months -- May | to July 31, 1994. You will get the higher interest rate even though your deduction remains the same. @® Garden space wanted If you have extra space in your garden, a green thumb is looking for it. Call 273-0732. ?® For rent A fully equipped house on Hornby Island, sleeps 4 - 6, or renovated cozy log cabin with full bathroom, sleeps 2. Call 526-1956. @® Jean’s place still available Jean Hammer’s 3-bedroom cabin near Sechelt is still available from July 3 to 10 ($300), and from July 30 to August 6 ($300). Call Cathy Grant at 5197 for information and booking arrangements. @® For sale Girl’s 17-inch Raleigh 5-speed bike, excellent condition, $400 1 student’s desk, white finish, excellent condition, $30. 1 pine-look student’s desk, 4 drawers, good condition, $30. If you’re interested, call Kathleen Wallden at local 5121, or at 469-9364 after 6pm. 2® Call for recipes Kathleen Wallden is still collecting recipes for a D.C. cookbook; send her your favorites, or call her at 5121. @® BCGEU Stewards Anne Fenton will be away from the college until June 18. Glen James and Triena Marples will cover until then. Also, Corrie Epp is on campus during the summer, and Christine Fredericks is on campus Mondays and Fridays. Heather Anderson is at the New Westminster campus Mondays and Wednesdays. Happy 50th Chris! For once, Chris Johnson didn’t need a lampshade to be the life of the party. The occasion was his fiftieth birthday in April. Students get bucks from bank The Hongkong Bank of Canada recently presented the Douglas College Foundation with a cheque for $10,000, the final payment in a three-year commitment to their $100,000 Student Aid Endowment Fund. Seen here (I to r) are Greg Hollingsworth, Manager of Customer Service for the Hongkong Bank of Canada; Mark Crozet, Foundation Director; Rick Buchanan, Assistant Vice President and Manager, Hongkong Bank of Canada; and Peter Greenwood, Bursar.