INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/OCTOBER 25, 1988 Remembering continued “There are many more mnemonics which can be used, depending on the information to be remembered and how long it needs to be remembered,” says Rea. "Basically, if you spend time practising the technique, you will be able to improve your memory, but it takes effort," says Rea. And what about the chronic forgetter who can’t seem to even remember to get dressed in the morning before leaving for work - is there hope for him? "Well, most people should be able to improve their memories if they practise," says Rea. "But some people with really bad memories may forget to prac- tise." For more information Com- munity Programs at 520-5479. To register call 520-5472. The course runs Thursday, Novem- ber 17, from 7 to 9 p.m.