MADHATTER 4 NEW FACULTY APPOINTMENTS LARRY TOMBOULIAN HEae Se LL?" Tomboulian has come to us from Columbia College where he has been teaching Math- ematics for 18 years. He has educational experience ranging from Adult and Vocational upgrading through third-year university programmes. Larry ob- tained an M. Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Minnesota in 1968, and a B.A. (Chemistry majors, Mathematics minor) from Cornell University in 1963. He also holds a B.C. private school Teaching Certificate which he reccived in 1980. In addition to teaching Mathematics, Larry workcd as a researcher in atmos- pheric physics and the quantum mechanics of molecules. Larry impressed us by his ability to bring breadth and humour to Mathematics instruc- tion. He has a sincere empathy towards students struggling with the subject. Larry’s hobbies include poetry, classical music, and avoiding bill collectors, none of which he claims to do very well. His self- proclaimed nick-name is "Mr. T." Let’s Try Again! JOHN HIGENBOTTAM ohn was born in Winnipeg and Jeompteted a B.A., Certificate in Education and Masters Degree at the University of Manitoba. He completed a Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Victoria. Since graduating, he has filled a number of positions as a psychologist and administrator, including Director of Psychology at Glendale Lodge/ Hospital in Victoria, Direc- tor of Psychology at Southwestern Regional Centre, Blenheim, On- tario and most recently, Assistant Administrator at Riverview Hospital. In addition to these positions, John has taught part-time at the college and university level. He has been a contract faculty mem- ber at Douglas College since 1982, teaching psychology at the Maple Ridge centre. John’s interests outside the class- room include running and flying. LINDA WEAFER sa “new kid on the block", Linda brings a B.A. and M.A. in Criminology (SFU) to Douglas College. Asa criminologist her areas of interest include com- munity justice, the delivery of jus- tice services to northern areas, Native Indians and justice issues, and female criminality. While completing her degrees she had the opportunity to work in these and related areas, including con- tracts with the Legal Education Program of the Yukon Territory. Linda has taught at Douglas Col- lege and SFU for the past year ona contract basis. In addition to teaching, she enjoys biking, camp- ing, travelling, and reading "any- thing [she] doesn’t have to grade". Linda says she looks forward to teaching at Douglas College as a regular faculty member and con- tributing in anyway she can. nee eee ere nee eee