y Focussed_ on the role Ca -- Linking communities through Douglas Gia along es community colleges in B.C., has been asked to participate | in a national fo: um on African relief. ‘The project involves - aseries. Of community and 1 regional waabeinge to take place . across Canada between October =~ 1985 and January 1986. nada and Canadians in the progress from famine to and development i in Africa. can eae: - Facilitated by the Office of the Canadian Emer. ree cy Coordinator/ rican Famine, the: onurable David MacDonald, ee - Locally organized by volunteer working groups to encourage ‘the widest possible ‘involvement by ‘Canadians. educational ; and co: ties in each region to exchange ideas on aid issues and to discuss and plan concrete recovery and dev lopment paajects: - Followed by a national meeting planned for mid-January 1986. In B.C. the forum will take place on Oct. 18 & 19, 1985. Forum Africa will b build on what is already happening in homes, schools, i Tae aks the work place and the host of v oluntary and government organization: s where people a are discussing and responding in a variety of ways to the famine situation in Africa. Why y is "Forum Africa” Happening Now? Since the mucin: of 1984, Canadian ; have displayed unprecendented genero in response to the African famine c crisis. After almost a year of intense interest, and wit ‘ some prospect that the situation in Africa is improving, it is time for Canadians to ‘reflect, discuss and act on what Canada and ‘they can do to contribute to African recovery. DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES tele nferencing, ~ of "Forum Africa" in p _ the 'Know Some important developments. are also taking place. Canada's Green Paper on Foreign Policy is the subject of hearings | by a Special Joint Parliamentary Committee. The Standing — Commi tee on E ternal Affairs and National Defence has also announced its pera undertake an indepth review of nada's” development programs and polici " organizations and associations, § gov nent partments and agencies are also. involved in studying ways in w ich Canadians: can become even more involved i heir role in Africa and ‘in other parts of the Third World. Forum Africa provides an. opportunity : for Canadians to ~ express their | views on recovery and development projects and issues in Africa, and to act 0 on them. ‘How and WI When is " “Forum | Africa" Happening? 2 _ The. proposed | dates for the five regional meetings are as follows: British Columbia and Saker Oct. 18 & 19 “Quebec — Oct. 26 | & 27 Atlantic Provinces Nov. 1. On tario. Nov. (22 &! 23 Prairie Provinces & ae Northwest Territories Dec.6&7 A tentative f format for the British Columbia | and Yukon regional meeting has been rate within that region and A ovided as one pape On the evening o of Friday, Goctariainiae Honourable David Vi Donald and others | c involved in convening the B.C./ Yukon Regional meeting will broadcast an hour long program on wledge Network’ ‘thro ut British Colum! an d the Yukon. Mr “MacDonald will also respond to” questions from the public about the African situation. The broadcast | will invo. ve an update on. the s situation in . Africa.and other r developments and wil seek participation from citizens in ‘the various co! munities in- British Columbia and the Yukon. On Saturday, October 19th, local working groups will organize community meetings to allow local discussion of issues relating to the famine conditions in parts of. Africa and how Canada es oo = Ss . ~} , eS £1 Loe