MAD HATTER PAGE 3] EPPCO As part of its duties this semester, the Educational Policy and Planning Com- mittee was asked to review the BDU criteria developed by senior management. The following report which has been forwarded to the College President and the College Board, summarizes EPPCO's response. After a series of workshops with senior management and separate meetings of the committee on its own, TEPPCO is resolved that it docs not and cannot approve the proposed BDU criteria nor the plans for their application in the College. Because EPPCO is a committee conposed of students, staff and faculty, it cannot be involved in any process which pits one part of the college operation against another iu a competition for funds, nor can it make valuc judgments about the relative worth of College offerings. We have a number of concerns with the management proposal for ranking BDU's. Our over-riding concern is that the current proposal is attempting to use an objective system of measurement to make decisions which, in the final analysis, are fundamentally subjective, , We question whether it is even possible to develop an effective system of objective measurement to rank the various units within the College, but even if it is, we are still concerned about the problem of comparability. Our workshops with the Deans have made clear that they intend to apply different criteria not only tc the different major units within the College which have been identified, but also within their divisions and the departments in those divisions. Sinee the decision about which eriteria to choose for a particular unit and how to weight those criteria is, ayain, Cundamentally subjeclive, we question the validity of any subsequent comparison and/or ranking. We are also concerned that the propused system might foster anc reward innapropriate Laculty behavior. Instructors might try te improve efficiency, increase student satisfaction and learner performance, increase the number of applicants or the length of a waiting list by lowering their academic standards, by political lobbying, or by other unprofessional actions.’ As a result of these concerns, there is a strony feeling in the committee that the effort to develop objective criteria to rank BDU's is little more than an exercise in futility and should be abandoned. Recognizing, however, that the College may nonetheless | choose to go ahead with the proposal, we wish to indicate threc further concerns,