November 22, 1982 h A Deeks College Newsletter. ta J... |= Bs DOUGLAS COLLEGE THE GREAT TREK OF "82 Well, we're finally doing it, moving to the big house: Classes are being held in the new building, after many years of planning and months of delays. Stil] many of us feel something is missing. .-perhaps: it's the symbolic gesture of opening a new but] ‘ing. The official opening of the new campus can not e held until late spring, but that does not mean we can't do something now! There has been a great deal of talk and enthusiasm ex- pressed about organizing a trek from the old campus to the new campus. Unfortunately, with the workload around this college being what it is, no one has had time to organize a trek to the new campus. An organizational meeting will be held Wednesday, November 24 at 4 p.m. in Room 3408 of the new campus. a eS we need your Hnvolvenent to mae it wore fant, staff and administrators. Come on out and help make At “happen; not only will it be fun, but it will give us something to remember, once the thrill of being ina new building has simmered down.