MAD HATTER PAGE 2 1981/82 OPERATING BUDGET UPDATE At its regular meeting of January 21, 1982, the Douglas College Board ap- proved the 1981/82 Expenditure Plan Departmental ‘Operating Adjustments prepared by the Deans, and approved by Management Committee January 12th. Desk copies of the plan have been provided to each Divisional office for reference by all interested per- sonnel. Upon review of the docu- ments, please feel free to ask any questions of the Deans or myself. Bill Day IRC MISSION AND GOALS UNDER REVIEW As a result of the college split, and because of our need to make final decisions regarding the IRC facilities in the new building, a team of consul- tants has been working with college personnel on a review of the Mission and Goals of the Instructional Re- source Centre unit. A draft presentation was made by the consultants at the Management Comm ittee Meeting of January 19. At that time, a Mission and Goals Statement was tabled and given sup- port in principle by the Management Committee. This support will allow for the creation of furnishings and equipment lists suitable for the new building, and the new Douglas College. The actual proposal is being revised, and will in due course be presented to the College Policy and Planning Conmittee for review and recommendation to the College Board. This review of the College Policy and Planning Committee will relate to the appropriate role of the IRC within the college. Ad- ministrative structure and support is a responsibility of the college IManagement. FURNISHINGS & EQUIPMENT BUDGET - NEW WESTMINSTER PERMANENT SITE On Tuesday, January 26th, Bill Day, West Graydon, Terry Leonard and Bill Morfey presented the final summary breakdown of the Furnishings & Equipment requirements of the new building to senior representatives of the Ministry of Education. The list of items required has been broken down into categories, in order to facilitate analysis by the Ministry and Treasury Board personnel. The financial difficulties being faced by the government need no elab- oration. Our requirements will be looked at most carefully. The initial reaction of Ministry per- sonnel was positive. They complimented the college team on the quality of analysis and presentation. Rick McCandless, of the Management Services Division, has assured me that our submission will receive the attention and decision by the Treasury Board within the near future. At this time, the Ministry is await- ing a final detail - that of the equipment required by the new Instructional Resource Centre. ' REMINDER' WHEELCHAIR VOLLEYBALL DEMONSTRATION On Tuesday, February 16, a volleyball team sponsored by the Canadian Wheel- chair Sports Association will challenge two Douglas College Volleyball teams to a match. The demonstration will take place at the Winslow Gym at 12:00 p.m. Bring your lunch, sit back, and be entertained. For more information, contact Gladys Klassen, local 285, McBride Site. a kn te te a a SS eS SEE SE Seer Tm ee an