-16- Preamble: The preamble to the expired collective agreement reads in part as follows: "And whereas the Association....is the bargaining authority for that group of employees engaged: as Instructors at the Vancouver, Vocational Institute, 250 West Pender Street, Vancouver 3, B.C". The certification issued by the Labour Reiations Board defines the unit as "instructors employed within the Vancouver Vocational Institute at 250 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B,C.". The certification issued to the Faculty Association of Vancouver City College (Langara) defines their unit as * “instructors, counsellors and librarians at Vancouver ‘ity College (Langara), 100 West 49th Avenue, sancouver, B.C". The Cvilege has always recognized that instructors employed through the Special Programmes Division and teaching at the King Edward Centre were covered by the collective ageement, even though the certificate refers only to the Vancouver Vocational Institute location, Tne Aseociation seeks a change in the preamble to more clearly define those covered by the agreement, The College is not opposed to this, but point out quite properly that the Association should make application to the Labour Relations Board to have its certificate varied, Both parties have an interest in sceing this resolved at the earliest possivle date. Pending an application to the Labour Relations Board, I recommend that the partics sign a letter of understanding as follows: “ive "The parties agree that the collective agreement 13. covers all those employed as instructors, counsellors, and librarians in programmes coming under the auspices of the Vancouver Vocational Institute and the Special Progrsmmes Division of the College. ". I further recommend that the parties include the following provision in the collective agreement to cover the situation where a programme is under the auspices of V.V.I. or S.P.D., but is being taught at Langara and to clarify the position of instructors on temporary transfer to another ‘ bargaining unit: Temporary Transfer 14, An instructor who has been assigned to another bargaining unit for a specified period of time which shall not exceed one year, on his return to a position within this unit shall have all cuty time work during his assignment considered a8 if it was worked at this unit, The instructor will be consulted prior to the assignment, An instructor who has been assigned from another bargaining unit where he was an employee of the College, to a position covered by this agreement for a specified period of time not to exceed one year, shall be subject only to the provisions of Articles ], U, UL V, IX, Xllof this agreement and in all other matters shall continue under the provisions in effect at the location from which he was transferred. Uf a similar clause were contained in the Langara collective agreement, the cffect would be that instructors on temporary transfer would receive the salary and benefits of their "home" unit, but would be subject to the cuties and responsibilities prevailing in the "host" unit. -18- Reimbursement - Two-day "Study Session’: Members of the Association were participants ina two-day "study session" on June 13th and 14th, 1974. Junderstand the purpose of their failure to perform normal duties was _ to protest delays in arriving at a new collective agreement, The College deducted two day's pay from the participants and the Association requests that I recommend a restoration of their lost pay. In my opinion it would be most improper for me to make such a recommendation. If they were of the view that such action was necessary in advancing their interests, then they “must in turn live with the consequences that flowed from it, Miscellaneous Items: Seen eee ae Oe es There are a number of items that should be clarified; come involve minor changes in wording, while others are changes of substance. As a reference for the parties, the Articles referred to are contained in the Draft Agreement of June 5th, 1974, as amended. IV. Salaries and Allowances: I recommend that the note designated as 2 (a), (b), and (c}) be retained, I recommend that A 4 (a) - (f) be included in th agreement, with (e) amended to read Step 1. nod V. Duties and Responsibdi! | 2 9 That V C read as follows: | x ny Arrangements will be made at the convenience- + Ow of the Centre for a meal break of one heurl® CD curation and for two fifteen-minute breaks! A Oo each day. The breaks shall not be included 7 as part of the hours of assigned cuty. | G) | m \ =