Why excluding races when choosing who to date Is racist > Don’t limit your dating pool based on stereotypes Carlos Bilan Staff Writer T° start, I would like to point out that it is okay to have preferences. You have a type— that’s cool! You know which personality you feel is compatible with yours. You are attracted to specific traits that you find to be a turn-on. Not all preferences are oppressive or intrinsically biased. However, when you say that you are not attracted to a certain type of race because of perceived negative traits, then that is racist. One would argue that racial preferences are the same as sexuality. Some gay people refuse to date people of the opposite sex, so misinformed people might use that as an example to justify that it is okay to have racial preferences. Well, the argument is invalid, as no one decides to refuse to date a person of a certain race at birth. Sexuality is a valid biological concept, whereas racial exclusion is socially constructed and acquired either consciously or subconsciously, whether from your one bad experience with a person of that race, or the racist representations perpetuated in media. It is usually the case that a person refuses to date a certain race because they think that all people of that race have certain negative traits, which could be related to appearance, attitude, etc. It is prejudiced because you are making absurd claims that every person belonging to that group possesses those negative attributes, which are in fact not racially exclusive. Most of these attributes can be found in different races, including the race of a person qualified to date you. In other words, you are saying that it will be impossible to form a romantic, emotional, or sexual connection with such a person due to superficial qualities. The racism behind having racial preferences can be illustrated through this parallel scenario. You have been given a stack of folders, and each folder contains a potential soulmate and their personality. Of course, attached in each file is a photo of the person. Every single person in the files have positive attributes that you find attractive, and they have a personality that is a perfect match to yours. However, lets say you refuse to date Asians because of some bigoted generalization. Now, when you see an Asian person, you throw the file away and refuse to read it. That Asian person could have been a perfect match for you, but you did not even take the time to learn more about them when they could have been the best person you'll ever meet. “But that example is flawed. If life were like that, ’d actually read every file and date every race,” you might say. Actually, you can indeed read all the files by getting to know a person and not immediately dismissing them due to biased and oppressive racial stereotypes. One could argue that you would not date someone who you are not attracted to physically. That may be true, but to say that someone’s race or skin colour is not attractive to you does sound prejudiced. Every person has a personality too, and the fact you do not consider getting to know the person more and immediately exclude them instead is plain discrimination. You are using race as a strong negating factor against all the other good things that a person has to offer. lam not saying that you have to feel obligated to date every person from different races for the sake of inclusivity. I just want to put the point across that racial preferences are rooted in bigotries that oppress people of colour. Moreover, if you feel that you are not attracted to a certain race, then it will take time to change that, and it is not easy. However, if you now realise that your actions may be racist, and you want to unlearn it, then you can start by recognizing that someone’s skin colour has no effect on the potential romantic compatibility between you and that person. Be open-minded and acknowledge that racial biases and prejudiced thinking could be preventing you from having a wonderful relationship. Let’s face it; it’s already difficult to find the perfect person, so why allow stereotypes to make it even harder for you by limiting your dating pool? It’s not your manhood at stake, it’s your personhood > The myth of emasculation Rebecca Peterson Humour Editor magine, for a moment, that the person writing this article is a man. I have, as most people have, had moments where I have been belittled and demeaned. I’ve had coworkers try to undermine me with nicknames attributed to my body parts, had men try to assert their dominance over me, have been objectified and made to feel unsafe, small, and weak. If I were a man, and I described these experiences as “emasculating,” | doubt anyone would argue with me on that. A man working with a boss who calls him “boy,” making him feel weak, is emasculated. A man who is told by another man that their only job is to stand still and look pretty is emasculated. A man who feels forced to submit to their partner ina relationship is emasculated. Except, these are all things that women experience too. And we don’t have a quantifiable word for it. When you cut right down to it, many men would say that the concept of emasculation is based in the idea of manhood, and the discomfort that comes with losing it. I've had men tell me, straight up, that the reason why emasculation makes them uncomfortable is because they don’t want to be treated like a girl. Well, newsflash: A lot of girls don't like being treated like that either. I’m not talking about the discomfort men feel from challenging gender roles, like dating a woman who’s taller than they are, or receiving flowers instead of giving them. That’s rooted in traditional gender bullshit, and another matter entirely. lam strictly speaking of genuine instances where men are treated badly, often in line with the way that women are treated on a near daily basis. Is it threatening and uncomfortable to receive catcalls from male strangers on the street? Yes, it is, for both genders (I specifically say “male” strangers because there’s an undeniable power imbalance between men and women, and men honestly don’t seem to get it unless put ina hypothetical situation where Illustration by Ed Appleby they're threatened by other men. It’s really unfortunate because I feel like it feeds into the whole “predatory gay male” stereotype, so | want to make it clear that that’s not my intent, here). It bothers me because the concept of emasculation shows an incredible lack of self-awareness, and implies that these emasculating actions are perfectly acceptable ways to treat women, but not men. It’s another finicky part of our language that upholds the idea of men as people, and women as not-people. When I’m being pressured to give up a personal sense of power to another party, I don’t call it emasculation. I consider it being denied a right to my own personhood. Because, subconsciously, we still seem to believe that people are men, it’s not a reach to make the connection between emasculation and the undermining of personhood. But we need to abandon the notion that being treated “like a girl” is a problem only men face. There’s a world of difference between your gender expression being disrespected, and being objectified and belittled by others. The discomfort of emasculation is not limited to men’s experience, and it’s likely that men can find a sympathetic ear in women, as it’s something we grow up knowing as an intrinsic part of our life experience. The feeling is real. The terminology is a societal construct based on what we find acceptable in regards to how we treat men and women (never mind the plethora of genders in between). It’s time we see it for what it really is, and treat such incidences with the same empathy and justice required for all genders, instead of just the one.