The (Final) Way Things Sometimes Are: An Open Letter to the Men of the World The Way Things Sometimes Are oa CF Miley, Opinions Editor / / Dear Men of the World: We have a problem. After a couple of thousand years of patriarchal domination, it appears that we have really fucked things up. Let’s face it, we weren’t going to be able to keep the women subservient forever; many of them are way smarter than us, and they’re born with certain attributes that we simply must be near. You know: wicked-smelling hair, soft skin, boobs, the secret garden. Let’s not forget the secret garden. I’m getting hot just typ- ing those Secret...Garden...mmmmmmmm. two words. It’s like we’re in a game of high-stakes Texas Hold ’em, we’re down to the final two, it’s men against women, but—biolog- ically speaking—they’re holding all the chips. Men are left trying to bluff with a short stack. (Women, you may giggle here and think about the connection between “short stack” and “small penis.” More on that later.) But our biological needs have been around since the first caveman enticed the first cavewoman into the cave with promises of “just a little shoulder rub.” Men’s current poor reputation is born more of some of us acting like ass- holes than it is of biological imperative. Basically, there are a few types of guys that are fucking things up for the rest of us. Let me explain. Two-pump Chumps. We've all had a night or two we wish we could have back. Nights when we should have admitted that we were “too drunk to fuck,” or some such thing. Okay, there, I said it. We all have one person who we wish we could call up and say, “Vd just like to apologize for the other night. It wasn’t the type of effort I usually give, and I’d really like another shot to make it up to you.” But that kind of phone call is damn near impossible to make, even if you somehow managed to come away with a August 10/2005 correct phone number after such a shitty showing. But some guys are chronic under- achievers, out for one person and one person alone—themselves. Save that shit for masturbation, you sons of bitches, you're giving us all a bad name. Actually, cancel that order. You go right ahead and continue being just as shitty in bed as you can. All men know that women are grad- ing us On a curve, so youre crappy sex life is actually raising my stock if I eventually sleep with your ex. I guess I should say thanks, but your crappy sexual perform- ances ate likely the result of some self-obsessed delusions of personal enti- tlement, so fuck you. Cheating Sons-of-Bitches If you simply must fuck someone other than your partner, and you’re in a monog- amous relationship, break up with your girl before you fuck someone else. ’m not saying that serial cheaters created jealousy, but you’re certainly not doing the rest of us any favours. Getting cheated on is embarrassing and totally fucking painful. It makes a person feel somehow less than what they are, regardless of how great they truly are. It takes the rest of us years—and literally thousands of compli- ments—to undo that damage. So quit being such filthy man whores and try being a stand-up guy for a change. The truth hurts, but not as much as lies do. Get a spine and buck up, you cheatin’, lyin’, sons-a-bitches. Even yo momma hates you. “Little Complexes” So you took all the pain that being born Guys with Napoleonic short caused you and channeled it into making money, which you now use to entice hot women into bed for some “power fucking.” Yeah, Bitch. You’re still short. You still get laughed at behind your back. The only difference between you back then and you now is that you now deserves the abuse. The Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies of the world are few and far between. We’ve all got something we hate about our physical appearances. Why do all you “little guys” have to take your self-loathing and spew it at others, espe- cially at women? So you were born short. Get the fuck over it already. “Small-Dick-Having Motherfuckers” Don’t combine your physical under- endowment with an apathetic attitude. A wise man once said, “If you’re hung like a hamster, you better have a tongue like a snake.’ Wise indeed. "Nuff said. Et Tu, Fruité? These guys aren’t necessarily screwing things up for the rest of us, but they exist and deserve mention. These guys are one sector of what became of the “SNAG- GIT, New-Age Guy” population when the 790s finally whim- pered to a close. They’re all touchy feely, or, Sensitive they’re heterosexual with a twist, and they’re basically acting gay in order to get close to some hot babe that may not oth- erwise give them the time of day. Then, all of a sudden, once the babe is chuckling at their insightful comments and _ talking about shoes and Brazilian waxings, they spring into action, attempting to bed the chosen ones. The metrosexual phenomenon has spawned these hybrids, and they have to be confident to pull it off. They’re better than the usual “bar star” types, and this method is a proven winner to get past the cock-blocking friend whose existence seems tied to ensuring that no guy gets to have sex with her hot buddy. Beware of these guys. They’re smart enough to have a plan, something that is too often a for- eign concept to us regular guys. So, there you have it. A simple break- down of the types of guys that are constantly breaking down the potential for the rest of us to be judged on our per- sonal merits. Most women seem to think that 90 percent of guys are jerks, idiots, and infectious lepers. That isn’t true, it’s just that it’s easier to lump us together and call all men assholes. So, Men of the ©) ~~ World, get your shit together and start act- ing like you give a shit. As one friend put it, “Women don’t ask for much, just a dirty boy who smells good.” Be that dirty boy, Men. We'll all be better off for it. Colin Miley thanks anyone who read “The Way Things Sometimes Are” over the past year. He’ll miss doing it with you. Errr, he means, “for you.” BONW 2009, STAFF PICKS Colin Miley, Opinions Editor Best local eatery: Kasuga Sushi at Sixth and Sixth. It’s rawfish-o-licious. Best local watering hole: Three-way tie between Brooklyn’s, Scruffy McGuire’s, and the bench over- looking the Patullo Bridge (that’s all I’m gonna say about that, it’s wy bench). Best place to go instead of going to class: To Hell. You go straight to Hell! Or Scrufty’s, Best word(s) to describe Douglas College: Potential. Best reason to read the Other Press: More monkey pictures per page than any publication this side of the Other Primate (especially if you include columnist photos). Best cheap massage (with release): No comment. Best crack dealer: Yo’ Momma. | 7