October 2, 1981 Friday, Oct.2 SEMINAR:copy editing (for | the journalistically inclined , With Kathy Ford, former Sun reporter. In the Peak Newsroom, room 314 in the Rotunda, 4:30p.m. DANCE DANCE DANCE with the Questionaires at the Russian Community Centre, 2114 W. Fourth Ave. ifi Vancouver. Tix at Quintessence Records, Black- Swan, Ernie’s Hot Wax and the usual outlets. No minors: FREE FREE FREE, SFU’s Centre For The Arts pre- sentsElectric Phoenix, world renowned for their extended vocal techniques and elec- tronic wizardry in the class- ical/avant garde bent, This noon hour show will be somewhat of a lecture/dem- onstration. At 12:30, SFU theatre. Evening perfor- mance at 8 p.m., $5. Omni magazine presents their own multimedia show and lecture at 8 p.m., Instructional Resources Centre, Woodward Auditor- ium, UBG: Tix= $6, doors- open at 7:30. ~ Saturday, Oct.3 IN CONCERT: Jim: Byrnes with Blue Northern, 8:30 p.m., Commodore Ballroom. Tix. $7 advance at C.B.O. -and usual outlets. CINEMA Simon Fraser pre- sents Tess. Images Theatre, SFU. 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct.4 SOCCER. SFU versus Ore- gon State. 1 p.m., Swangard Stadium. The B.C.Organization to fight Racism is sponsoring a PUBLIC RALLY at South Memorial Park, 1000 E. 41 Ave - the park where an East Indian man, Khushrall Singh Gill, was beaten to death just two months ago. _ All welcome. CRAFTS for sale at the Bur- naby Craft Market, in the Burnaby Arts Centre, 6450 Gilpin, 11 to5 p.m. HALLOWEEN COSTUMES family workshop. A course and workshop event. 1 to $ p.m., Surrey Centennial Arts Centre. Donation. The Other Press Monday, Oct.5 ATTENTION all communic- cations students, especially women. SFU’s communi- cations department presents Women in Production - The Movie Chorus Line[video and discussion]. Blue Room (A.Q.) 2:30 to 4:30p.m. OPENING: Vancouver artist Robert Young, one of our more thoughtful, yet techni- cally creative printmakers, displays his talent with a selection of 50 prints. Till Oct. 23, SFU gallery. HERBERT MARSHALL, undoubtly the world expert in Soviet and East European: performing arts, will be at SFU all week for lectures, screenings and discussions. Phone 291-3363 for dates, times and locations. Tuesday, Oct.6 GERMAN students - brush up on your conversational skills. SFU’s German lan- guages division presents Die Erste Polka, a film dealing with marriage and family difficulties from a German point of view dur- ing World War Two. Images Theatre. For more info. call 291-3544. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL club meets every Tuesday and Thursday at Winslow ‘Gym from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Newcomers welcome. POLICE auction at Burnaby City Hall. Merchandise on display before six p.m., auction 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct.7 Women In Focus Gallery presents:Clay sculture by Persimmon Blackbridge. Til Nov. 6. Suite 204-456 W. Broadway. Watch for future slideshows and discussions on women, art and politics led by CLAIRE Kujundzic and Persimmon Blackbridge D.C. FEMINIST ISSUES SERIES. Lecture and rap for women. This week: Non - Sexist Child Rearing. 7:30 to 9:30. Hyde Creek Centre, 1379 Laurier, Port Coquitlam SOCCER: SFU versus U of Washington, 7:30 p.m., Swangard Stadium. IN CONCERT ‘tonite and tomorrow, Vancouver’s Ann Mortifee at the Q.E. Thea- tre, 8 p.m. For tix. phone Vancouver Ticket Centre at 687-4444. FACES OF MILITARISM - a six week series of public workshops. This week:ex- ploitation of workers in Korea. Saint Andrews Church, Nelson at Burrard. COOP RADIO BENEFIT at Rohan’s with The Cows, playing new wave; Sweet Northern; a mixture of Blue Northern and Doug and the Slugs; and Bud Luxford’s Buddy Selfish; rockabilly. Phone Rohans or Co-op for details. OTHER PRESS $s staff meeting every Thursday at 3:30. Come lend a hand and learn the inner secrets of this dynamic medium. Thursday, Oct.8 CINEMA SIMON FRASER presents The Elephant Man [David Lynch, 1980] at 5PM and Atlantic City [Louis” Malle, 1981] .at 8PM. Images Theatre. D:C. Soccer Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays At Queens Park. 6PM. New- comers welcome. Friday, Oct.9 THE ELEPHANT MAN, at Cinema Simon Fraser. 8 .p.m., ImagesTheatre, SFU. THE VILLIANS appear at SUB ballroom, UBC, at 8 p.m. Tix. available a CBO, Woodwards and AMS ticket office, UBC. PUB NITE. Winslow Cam- pus. Doors open 7 p.m. D.C. Leadership training. Working with battered wo- men. $10. Winslow site. Contact 525-2075 for pre reg details. Saturday, Oct. 10 DANCE SOME MORE. Two professional performers present a moving combin- ation called ‘Candescium’. 8 p.m., James Cowan Thea- tre, Burnaby. Tix. $5 for adults, $2.50 children. Page Eleven Nicholson and Jessica Lange in one of the ‘‘best remakes in years.’’ 8p.m. Images Theatre, Sunday, Oct.11 IT WAS HOPED that our information centre in the cafeteria could fill this space but Mr. Information behind the counter couldn’t give us a thing concerning Douglas College. No sports, no wom- en’s events - absolutely — nothing. WOMEN IN FOCUS gallery presents a two day work shop in clay sculpture for children aged six to 12. $]5 includes clay, firing, paint etc. Please register prior to this date by calling 872-2250 Monday, Oct. 12 BADMINTON CLUB meets every Monday and Wednes- day at Queen’s Park Annex from 12 to 2 p.m. Object: sociability, fitness and skill with hopes of starting a college team. All welcome, - including beginners. For more information , don’t ask the information centre - check the Other Press. Tuesday, Oct. 13 COOP RADIO NEEDS vol- unteers. Yu need not be an expert in the field, just motivated, creative and wil- ling to learn the ropes. Please call 684-8494 first and ask for Jim Sands or Peter Grant. Wednesday, Oct. 14 CINEMA TENDENCIES, an alternative filmmakers’ group, presents Committed Cinema every second Wed- nesday night. Local video and film artists present and discuss their work. This week - Amelia productions. Robson Square media centre room 2. Thursday, Oct. 15 WOMEN TALK, a lecture and discussion series for and about women. This - week: ‘‘Fat and Body Im- age’’. 7:30 to 9:30, Maple Ridge Secondary School. . i