FEBRUARY 9, 1983 If you incltide yourself among those hundred or so turned away at January 28’s Welcome Back social, then you've doubtless wondered who, exactly, is accountable for what séems to have been no less than an organization- al fiasco. So, too, wondered Ian Hunter, Other Press ad-man, and Peter Julian, Student Society representative, when they, by chance, espied West Graydon, Physical Plant Supervisor, and Louis Manzi, Nationa: Di- rector of Operations for ICL Food Services, in the up- stairs cafeteria. The two students had been led to believe that the reason for the Pub Night’s location, in the cramped quarters of the downstairs cafeteria, was due to the restricted availa- bility of suitable space, as photo by Sean Valentini STUDENTS IRATE, SOCIETY INEPT THE OTHER PRESS Seprntt y your poetry, shor stories and prose to Maurice Hodgson, room 2230, for publication in this year’s edition of ‘PEARLS’, the Douglas College literary magazine. DEADLINE MARCH 1st... opposed to choice. In other words, that the upstairs caf- eteria, where there would have been ample room, was not available for Student Soc- iety use. This was quickly found not to be the case. Discussion revealed that ICL had no pol- icy which would specifically prevent the Student Society from using the upstairs caf- eteria. Said Graydon, “all space in the facility is pro- grammable by anybody. Basically, that’s the policy. . . it was designed to be used by everyone.‘ Graydon asked that if the upstairs cafeteria were to be used that the students res- pect the premises. Citing with relation to January’s Pub Night, Graydon com- mented that ‘‘the parking operation was a bit of a zoo. . 12 to 15 (parking) gates were broken Friday night.’’ Graydon could not positively impute that the damage was caused by Pub Night patrons : though, and later stated that ‘‘damage wise, its been really good.’’ When confronted with the fact that ICL had, in fact, no qualms about the use of the Sescine will comm Nominations wi upstairs is Sea excepting the use of the carpet as a dance floor, Mérilynn Houlihan, ‘Student ‘Society Manager, was ‘both shocked and pleased. ‘‘Heck,’’ she said, ‘‘we ask every time we want to use: their (ICL’s) el- evator. . . they wouldn’t even let the Red Cross use their Due to the resignation of two Other Put elevator, they had to bring thier stuff all the way around.”’ She admitted that, in point of fact, they hadn’t asked for the use of the upstairs caf- eteria. It was the Society's opinion, stated~ Houlihan, that ICL was quite reluctant |continued on page 12] cations Society w called for. , The Other _be open until Wednesday, February 17th at 4:00 p.m. at the regular Other Press staff méeting. STAFF BOX Editorial Coordinator Cee eee ee meee eee em eee eee ee ee) Typesetter Sass’ Resloets © ecorted sieff Business Manager 7 Brian Pharez Entertainment Coordinator ..................... Vic Cromerty Graphics Coordinator... Pat Worthington Sports Coordinator 77.0 Martin Hemerik Advertising Coordinator Tan Hunter Galley Proofers .................. Susan Knox, Pat O’Doherty & assorted staff Proof Readers ,.........ce.ce00 Tom Boar, most coordinators and assorted staff Women ’s Page Coordinator... .........., Margaret Park CUP Coordinator,....... Sean Baldersione or Chris Wolvettes Features Coordinator |... . Dave Christian or Brain Hoffman Asssorted Staff ........ccccecces Chris Page, Ernest Hawker person whoy»; then, be declared-elected . in ex- -Qther A contested election will-commence then with ballot boxes opem for 24 hours from the end of the meeting»-If the election is not contested, the new Board/ of Directors will On the election of a full board, the directors will then choosé a new honorary chair- hile, not having to°be a Douglas Goll iy should b: current student of Press staffer and