MAD HATTER PAGE 2 : I eee it you. ‘received ar Op The paper is ‘possibly even re : able than even the a = sl ch: ; type of critic- ism in the rama politica system without fear of official reprisal, something I expect that the author has Wie pak oe ee lstere public ina democratic ‘society, given that rights and liberties do not exist simply because they are guaranteed on paper, but rather because critical and aware citizens actively choose to ter "spect and guard those rights and free- doms. tnaer a N p oe titation" nie oe or her own personal /develc ype or Pol. Sc 1253 | Be, See might | ‘the statics that they have So “bitterly use. it_as case study material for i lectures on p ropagan: in Pol.Sci.125, (Introduction to Politics) and Pol.Sci.150 (Cnreemnationss Relations) in the future. Perhap 1di uy who anonymously circulated this ae ment through the Douglas College mail system would like to contribute ‘to his nt by | Se lectures on the Consti: ution | dein in Pol. Sci.120 (Canadian Government) 4 and shallowly attacked. Very sincerely, | J.T. Farrell — : Political Science Instructo