in MISSING PERIODICAL ISSUES The following periodicals are needed to complete — volumes for binding. If you have any of these and are will- ing to part with them, could you please send them to Elizabeth Bell at the New West campus library. Thank you. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY - Vol. 85, no. O72 L978 BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION - Vol. 75, no. oh BUSINESS QUARTERLY ~ Wate 40, nex t,..2978 Nol. :45, Be. 2, 1980 CANADIAN COMPOSER - No. 152; 1980 CANADIAN CONSUMER «ei. 16, ae, 2, fab... 1960 CANADIAN BUSINESS ~ Vol, 50, now. 3, 9-10, 1977 eels GS. wee, 3) 5, 6, 2978 Vol. $3, No. 3, 1989 CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW = VoL. ST, nO. 3, T976 CINEMA CANADA - No. 68, Sept. 1980 ie COMPUTERS AND PEOPLE mee, 22.5 Poe. 1, 2,5 ones CORRECTIONS MAGAZINE ~ Wor, 6) “0.. Tt, 13990 LIAISON = VOL. 6, no. 3, 1980 MACLEANS - June 1980, July 1980, lst two weeks of November, 1980 NATURAL HISTORY = Vol. oe, nos o., 19 70 R.C.M.P. QUARTERLY =» Vol. 45; nos. 1-3, 1980 SCIENCE ~ Vol. 208; no. 445, 1980 WOMEN = Wl. 8; nO. 1; 1973 YOUNG CHILDREN - Wel. 34, Hoe 3, 1979 CAREER PROFILES A reporter's life is not always as glamorous as it looks on the Lou Grant television series - a lot of hard work, typing, rewrites and yes, even some boring tasks are performed by a journalist. Douglas College is offering you a chance to find out from the "horse's mouth" what a reporter's duties are. The Douglas College Programs for Women's department has invited two professional journalists to speak at its Career Profiles session Wednesday, December 3 in room 412 at the Richmond Campus, behind the Richmond Inn. The two speakers will be Vancouver Sun's Elizabeth Godley and Richmond Review's Sarah Jane Growe. The session is just part of a program that gives women questioning a career option, some answers to their questions from the professionals. They will be able to find out the amount and type of train- ing needed to break into a particular career. While the course is not restricted to women, the resource persons are women. On December 10, well known rodeo photographer, Ronnie Tesler will be discussing photography at the Surrey campus, room 418. For more information, call 521-4851, enn DEC 3 1980 local THE DECEMBER 17 SESSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED.