By Tricia Keith ometimes there are just no answers, or simple solutions, and you come to that place where nothing is solid. Welcome to Neptune’s Kingdom. Sometimes you feel as if you are stepping into quicksand; that the rotting abyss is about to consume all that you counted on to be real. Welcome to Pluto’s Kingdom. Astrology teaches us that chaos is not random and that there are parameters to the misty realm, the grief, the intensity, and a scheduled time in which we are to enter the unchartered territory. Both Neptune and Pluto can take your life into realms beyond conscious control; leaving you without any solid ground or familiar markers and, more often than not, a deep experience of loss. Neptune rules enlightenment and inspiration at its highest mark, while Pluto rules transformation and healing in its highest expression. Sure, in an ideal world we are all high. But in the “real” world (Saturn) getting high comes with a price: you have to earn your highs or pay for them, and there is always the down slope on the other side. The highest marks range in color and the more human the tale; the more gruesome the tragedy and the human flaws. Yet these colors make the spiralling back up to the Source all the more inspiring. Humanly so, the paradox is, first we must surrender before we can transcend. Many people go to great lengths to avoid outbreaks of chaos in their lives, especially by working to establish safe, predictable patterns for themselves. To face yourself at your deepest level, to watch what you knew to be true dissolve, or rot is bloody terrifying and most of us resist for as long as possible. This is perhaps the keenest wisdom astrology has to offer us: there is a time for every purpose under heaven, the happy and the sad and all that’s in between, and each shall pass when it’s run its course. Under transits of Neptune or Pluto, the ultimate expression would be losing one’s Self while staying centered and experiencing the bliss that comes from the Spirit and the “giving in”. Neptune’s tide draws everything it touches back to the Source. Pluto’s intensity burns coal under such pressure that the result is Diamonds. These pictures reassure the body that it will survive and even more, thrive on the other side. These days many of us are watching world events or experiencing inner currents with circumspect long range views. ...What can we expect?... Is the world becoming a better place? Is it a lf Fe and styie Nothing solid: Exploring Pluto, Saturn, and the Spiritual Kingdoms breaking down or a breaking through? Under outer planetary transits, terra ferma feels not so firm. Incoherence and deception lurk; cracks widen in the sidewalk. For those whose natal charts make personal contact with the outer planets, these themes of deception- sensitivity-inspiration and transformation- death-rebirth, mark their lives in regular cycles. Now cross a bridge to a spiritual practice, in this case we’ll call it yoga .To practice your practice in times of hardship, or simply times when confidence is on the low, is to draw consciousness to what is real, what is lasting, and the nature of reality. Because let’s face it, help from friends? Sometimes they are there and sometimes they are not. Making your practice your friend is a radical step to wholeness. Why? Because daily practice has its own terror. It is not a cushion. It’s a friend to tell you what is, not what you’d like to hear. Through regular practice, be it sun salutations, prayers, mantras or stillness, awareness arises, consciousness comes magic and the randomness (you were hiding from) and the unknown (you could not see) open. You and your own awareness begin a dialogue. All is keenly felt as the practice tunes you to more and more sensitivity. Welcome to Spirit’s Kingdom. During these days of great storms and upheaval we can experience turbulence consciously with the tools of our practice. The tools themselves are not any kind of answer but rather a key to turn our awareness on to the openness of that which is bigger than ourselves. It is easy to see why my father drank. It was his only tool and expression for what he could not control: his grief and the hardship of enduring his pain without a connection to the Source. His gift to me was watching him turn his life over to his Higher Power- a Power greater than himself restoring him to sanity. He always shied away from using the word God and instead chose, Good Orderly Conduct, or more casually The Big Guy Driving the Bus. Tricia is a local yoga teacher as well as a professional astrologer. See www. sunandmoonhealingarts. for a full range of services. Damsel in a Deficit: A step by step process of release Step 1. Detoxification By Stephanie Trembath, Life and Style Editor s a result of my current Anise to being what some like to call “a broke student”, and having my boyfriend repeatedly tell me that I have the bad habit of forgetting that I am a student 99.9% of the time, I have decided to go on a detox. Not your regular detox; I’m not Beyonce, and I don’t do liquid diets. Instead I have made a list of all the lovely things I am detoxifying myself from and to rid myself of the toxic financial mess I am in at the present moment. Detoxification: “the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including, but not limited to, the human body, and additionally can refer to the period of withdrawal during which an organism returns to homeostasis after long-term use of an addictive substance”. So dear readers, I have acknowledged my addictive personality and wanton behaviours, and am ridding myself of these substances for an indefinite amount of time. I have found in the past that whenever I put an exact date to something, things go awry a lot faster (I am a commitaphobe). Instead I have said that maybe around March 11, or perhaps March 20, I will end my detox, because that is at least a month. However I must end it before March 25 as it’s my sister’s birthday, and I know myself well enough to quit while I am ahead. My personal list of toxic substances which I will be refraining from consuming for the next month includes: Specialty coffees: I am honest enough to realize that I will need to purchase coffee (or at least ground coffee to make myself) over the next 30 days, so I am limiting myself to plain black coffee for under $2.00 if necessary. No more white mocha Americanos for me. Clothes: considering that I bought new runners and snowboarding boots today I think it is appropriate that I quit buying clothes and other accessories for at least a month. How will I stop myself you ask? Well, I have forewarned an ample amount of people who will put me to utter shame if I break this detox so hopefully that will do it. Liquor: some of my worst decisions occur when I am intoxicated, or best decisions depending how you look at it. Ata friend’s birthday Monday night I wound up at the casino (I won money so that worked out) and then somehow thought it a fabulous idea to add a $300 ticket to the Sasquatch music festival to my arm-length credit card bill. Needless to say I sold the ticket to a friend, but I think for my own personal sake and for my own advantage, that I should not drink or party for the next month. On the plus side, I will save more money, work more, do better in school, and refrain from ridiculous spending decisions. Books: I am a book junkie and I cannot find the books I need and want at the library all the time. Thankfully, a good friend of mine who shares my taste in literature, has agreed to be my personal library for the time being (Aldous Huxley and William Blake are currently on my dresser). This will also endear me to read my textbooks and course materials I have been putting off for the last 5 weeks. Or so I hope. Sushi: my staple meal. I made fried rice with steamed shrimp in a Thai curry sauce the other night and it tasted like absolute garbage, so I settled for PB&J. I tried a delicious spinach salad with quinoa and beans mixed in an Asian dressing, and it was lovely. Perhaps I am on to something. At any rate, I will personally keep my dear readers up-to-date on how I am doing, and my trials and tribulations of detoxifying myself from these awful treacherous substances that have left me a poor damsel in a deficit. On the bright side, at least I will be busy cooking, reading, working, and having a jolly good time sober and Starbucksless.