So who are we, really? LETTER FROM THE We're back! Hopefully you'll enjoy this special May edition of The Other Press, because if you don’t, you'll have to wait an entire month before you get another. Yes, ‘sadly the good ol’ OP can only afford to publish once a month in the so-called “summer” (only in the academic world does the summer begin in May), but don’t worry! We try to compensate the — quantity by improving on the quality. As I mentioned in the April issue, ‘the Other Press had its big fancy Annual General Meeting earlier last month. \ n AGM, —_ ee ae — but EDITOR still a significant event none the less. We changed our constitution a bit, brainstormed ideas for the future, elected a new board of directors, and so much more. It occurs to me, however, that 1 probably just lost a lot of you with that last bit. AGM, what? Board, who? Constitution, wha? Why does a student newspaper have any of these things? And why should you care? I’ve worked at the Other Press for six years now, so it’s sometimes easy for me to take a lot of this stuff for granted. But for new students just joining the college today, or even for veterans who have just never thought to learn, maybe a little Other Press 101 is in order. This fine newspaper was founded in 1976, six years after Douglas College opened. It’s called The Other Press as a result of an obscure feud. According to lore, there was at one time a newspaper at this school called “the Press,” but everyone hated them, so a gang of rebels eventually got together, founded “The Other Press,” and crushed them. By then it was 1976. For the first two years of its existence, The Other Press was funded by the Douglas College student union, which needless to say was not an ideal relationship. How can you speak truth to power if the powers that be are the ones dictating your yearly budget? So in 1978 we officially separated, and registered our newspaper as an independent and autonomous group on campus. The College administration now funds us directly, _ via a student fee that is taken from all students as part of your tutition (Fun fact—if you really hate this newspaper you can technically ask me for your fee back and Pm legally ee to provide it). May 5, 2008 Society,” which is nominally a non-profit organization that exists to foster journalistic excellence at Douglas College. As editor, I’m also chairman of that organization. Being a fully registered BC “society” brings with it various legal perks and benefits, but also responsibilities. We must be governed by a democratic board of directors and make all of our financial statements and meeting minutes accessible to our shareholders, which in our case means you—the students. If we ever want to increase our budget, we must likewise ask you guys for consent. We exist at your expense, after all, so it’s only fair. And finally, once a year we must hold an annual general meeting, open to everyone, in which all of our plans, visions, and significant policy decisions for the coming year are made in a fair and transparent manner. So that’s The Other Press in a nutshell, a rather complex organization that exists for a rather simple purpose—to churn out a half- decent school newspaper every week (or month, as the case may be). I may personally think that this newspaper is the greatest thing since frosted Pop- Tarts, but it’s always important to remember that this paper doesn’t exist to do what I want, it exists to serve you. Always be aware of your rights as a fee-paying shareholder of the OP, and if something is happening that you don’t approve of, our are just curious about, don’t be afraid to exercise your rights and get involved. Attend our meetings. Read our constitution. Demand to see our budget. As a paper founded on the right to independence and autonomy, we would expect nothing less. Today, as it says in the iy little spiel oa the opposite page, The Other Press is a registered society under the Society Act of British Columbia. We're registered as the “Other Publications : J. ee McCullough Editor i in Chief of the Other Press The Other Press is H RI NG! do you want fo be our next: -Layout Co-ordinator -Editor in Chief All jobs pay well and are tons of fun. Gain experience and expand your horizons -Graphics Editor APPLY TODAY! email resumes to