How many is too much? _By Barry Strickland A while ago I did an article on radar detectors. I got my information from two RCMP officers in Whitbourne, and while I was there I gathered some facts = together on drunk driving as well. According to one of the officers, drink and driving is good for you...that is having ONE drink or ONE beer because it relaxes you and you’re not as nervous. However any more than one could be leading you into trouble. Alcohol is a drug, a depressant, it affects different people in different ways‘depending on your current mental state. But it affects all motorists the same way; your reflexes and reaction time is slowed, as well, your balance and distance judgement are affected. And the penalty for impaired driving is scary. You’re looking at an $800-$1000 fine, loss of your license for at least nine months, and a hike in your insurance rates that may keep you out of your car for Tuesday, August 29, 1988 much longer than that. Police are trained to determine whether or not someone has been drinking; they notice pupil dialation, slurred speech, and often ask you the same question twice or more to see if you trip over your own words and ‘dig your own grave’. They also have mobile breath-sampling devices - breathalizers. Sorry, but you can jam your cheek as full as a squirrel’s with candies, but that won’t save you. Breath fresheners have no effect on a breathalizer. I am not on an anti-alcohol tirade here. I enjoy a few beers just as much as the next person, but I won’t drink and drive. To do so is to hang yourself. Look at it this way, when was the last time you did. something silly when you were drinking, and then felt like a fool the next morning? Whether it be singing at the top of our lungs and dancing on a table, or starting a fight for no reason. The Other Press Page3 Almost everyone’s guilty of something of the sort. Waking up in a jail cell only to learn that you are being charged with murder for running someone down the night before makes problems like mid-terms and student loans look pretty menial. And you'll be needing a lot more legal assistance than what the Legal Aid people can offer. Iam not playing Mom, Dad, big brother, Ghandi or the Pope here. There is no halo over my head. I’m just stating a fact of life. I wouldn’t want for me or my family or friends to be mowed down by a drunk driver. There are many misconceptions of how much one can drink before impaired. Not drunk, but legally impaired; the amount of alcohol you can consume before you have 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres in your bloodstream. It doesn’t take much. Everybody knows when they are loaded, but do you know when you are impaired? e FULLY AIR CONDITIONED ¢ ¢ THE LATEST IN EXERCISE EQUIPMENT & FREE WEIGHTS « e AEROBIC CLASSES ON CUSHIONED WOOD FLOOR e e EXERCISE BIKES e e SUN TANNING e e PERSONALIZED TRAINING PROGRAMS e PREVIEW AREA NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION CALL TODAY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REDUCED MEMBERSHIP RATES 922-2744 - PREVIEW HOURS - Monday - Friday 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. FITNESS OPENING SEPTEMBER IN THE ROYAL TOWERS HOTEL Corner of 6th St. & Royal Ave. - OPERATING HOURS TO BE - Monday - Friday 6 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. . Have you ever wondered? Reprinted from the Cord Weekly Is Wile E. Coyote the Anti-Christ? Recently on Cheers, Cliff asked, "Is Wile E. Coyote the Anti-Christ?" Many Bugs Bunny experts were puzzled by this theoreti- cal question. If Wile E. is actually is actually the Anti-Christ, many unanswerable coyote questions will finally be solved. Three possible answers: 1. Wile E. is just POSSESSED. Is there strong enough evidence to prove that Wile E. is the Anti-Christ, or is he mere- | _ ly possessed? a) The coyote uses dynamite to hunt small birds. — b) Wile E. never starves to death, although he hasn’t eaten in 34 years. c) Wile E. never gets hurt, and realistical- ly he should die 7.5 times a show. The evidence clearly indicates that Wile E. is well beyond possession. 2. Wile E. is GOD If Wile E. can be the Anti-Christ, can he not also be God? Although the coyote chases the Roadrunner, he has never actually harmed the bird. In fact, one might argue that the Roadrun- ner is the Devil since he inflicts continuous pain on Wile E. 3. Wile E. is the ANTI-CHRIST Wile E. can eat a dynamite sandwich and walk away from it. The coyote falls from cliffs every week, and yet we’ve never seen him seriously in- jured. He has been hit by trains, buses, steam rollers, etc. with the same lack of injury. You can’t kill Lucifer and hence, you can’t kill Wile E. The statistical information presented proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Wile E. Coyote is actually the Anti- Christ. ~ NAY How does Wile E. Coyote bypass govern- ment legislation dealing with the private purchase of T.N.T? Where does Wile E. get dynamite? The coyote detonates an estimated $45,000 worth of T.N.T. weekly, and yet you and I have a considerable amounts of difficulty attempt- ing to purchase high explosives. Three possible explanations: 1. Wile E. manufactures T.N.T. HIM- SELF. Wile E. may have a scientific background from the University of Arizona. This would give him the necessary knowledge to produce explosives. Wile E. is a self-acclaimed genius, and therefore he may have learned how to produce dynamite through a Time/Life in- struction series. The coyote may have stumbled onto the correct chemical composition of T.N.T. while using gun powder and fireworks - this explanation is rather weak. 2. Wile E. purchases explosives through the black-market end of ACME. Acme successfully fills the coyote’s needs for the majority of his plans, and therefore it is possible that ACME produces dynamite and sells it to Wile E. under-the-table. There is very little evidence to back this hypothesis. 3. Wile E. (the anti-christ) uses his dark powers to PRODUCE dynamite. It should take the Anti-Christ just a few seconds to create a 24- pack of dynamite sticks. This holding true, it may argued that the Anti-Christ would kill the Roadrunner through: a) spontanteous combustion b) plague of locusts c) demonic possession. rather than the simplistic use of dynamite. Yet, such a blatant misuse of power would be frowned upon by the Anti-Christ local 666. In conclusion, I feel that Wile E. produces and uses his own dynamite created from his demonic powers. Next time: Is Wile E. really hungry?